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Hongjoong and Seonghwa planned to meet and the park where Jongho and Yeosang first met......


Jongho was walking in the park for a break and Yeosang was taking pictures when he saw a stranger walk up to Yeosang and started to harass him he wouldn't listen to Yeosang when he would say No and Jongho being Jongho he went up to help Yeosang......

" hey can I help you "Jongho

Stranger " yeah go away"

" I wasn't talking to you I was talking to my friend "Jongho

" hey you okay sorry I was late "

Yeosang " yeah I'm fine but he won't leave me alone"

Yeosang " why where you late "

" my job and I told you I might be late"Jongho

Yeosang " yeah yeah you're ready"

Stranger " hey I'm still here "

Yeosang " oh you are "

Stranger " yeah and I won't leave without his number"

" well that's tough because we are "Jongho

Jongho grabs Yeosang's hand and started to walk away  till the stranger pulled him back

" hey leave him alone "Jongho

Stranger " come on cutie I'm was better than him "

Yeosang " mmm let me think No and if you don't mind we are leaving "

Right as Yeosang was leaving he grabbed his hand again and this time hard It was hurting Yeosang and Jongho was tired of him so he did what he thought was best he punch him hard and he fell to the ground...

" I told you to leave him alone"Jongho

Jongho grabbed Yeosang softly and started to walk away finally when they were far enough for him...

Yeosang " hey thank you you saved me "

"it's fine just glad I could help"Jongho

Yeosang " hey I'm Yeosang

" I'm Jongho nice name"Jongho

Yeosang " Thanks like your too. Hey let me repay you "

" Nah your fine "Jongho

Yeosang " oh come on Mmmm Coffee "

" mm I have a feeling you won't give up "Jongho

Yeosang " mmm nope so coffee"

" Sure "Jongho

After that coffee date, they exchange numbers and after a while, Jongho finally asked Yeosang to be his boyfriend oh was he nervous......
Jongho asked Yeosang to meet him and the park where they met. Yeosang arrived and he was nervous wondering what was going to happen.....
Jongho took Yeosang by the hands


" Regret is the most painful thing you can experience in life. Every moment I spent with you...shined. Because the weather was good, because the weather was bad and because the weather was good enough. I loved every moment of it.
I don't know what will happen in the future but I don't know this I like you no Love you ever since that day I thought it was crazy finding you someone who makes me happy and who has to help me. I love you even if you don't know feel the same I wanted to tell you before I couldn't do it I thought about it hard if I should tell you because I don't want to ruin our friendship what we have.
I haven't felt like this to anyone before. And I understand if you don't feel the same........

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