Chapter 2: True Friends.

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A/N: I was listening to the song  listed above while I was working so I thought I could put up there! :D Feel free to listen to to it while reading!

I stepped out of the orphanage with my backpack hung over my shoulders and red eyes. The heat washed over me and hung on my head and shoulders like a very warm blanket on a hot summer's day. After a good cry, I was done packing and tried to get out of the orphanage as quickly as possible without running. I sucked in a hard breath through my mouth and held it in as I walked down the sidewalk away from the orphanage. Mixed thoughts flew across my mind and scrambled away before I could actually think about it. All I could think about was Leli and Jay, they were the only thought that stayed in mind in one piece. They were my best- wait, they were supposed to be my best friends. How could they leave me?

"Cowards!" I yell. "How could they leave? I was there when they most needed me! I was there when Jay first came to that stupid orphanage in tears! Who helped her? I did! I comforted her! And who was there when Leli broke down after one of those dumb caretakers scolded her? Me! I was always there and yet they left me when I needed them!" I stomped my foot as tears rolled down my face. The last thing I needed was some strangers looking at me weird, so I hung my back over my head and across my face so my recent tears were not shown that I couldn't bother to wipe away. I heard muttering inside my head. I didn't feel alarmed. I knew it was the voices murmuring to their friends. The thought just angered me more. I flicked open the button on my backpack and I slipped my hand through the slit. My intention was to find another piece of gum and chew my anger on it but instead, I felt a...piece of paper? Curious, I pulled it out and to my face. I wiped my eyes to see better. When my vision was refocusing, I could make out that it was a picture. Me, Leli and Jay. I froze. Both Jay's and Leli's arms were hung over my shoulders. was laughing. Jay was smiling. I think we were both giggling because Leli was making a funny face. She was sticking her tongue out and showing her teeth in the process, she was also cross-eyed. We were so happy. Why did it have to change? All because of that stupid caretaker!

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I muttered I'm pretty sure I didn't pack that. How did get there? Suddenly, it went dark yet again. The picture withered away in front of my own eyes. I watched the few last pieces fall to the ground and burn up slowly. It was still dark, but I didn't panic. I knew where I was, and soon after, my prediction came true. I heard muttering and my ear twitched. I bit my lip and started to hum loudly. I didn't want to hear The Voices talking. All of a sudden, the whispering died down. I stopped humming, curious. You could say the silence was loud. I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the dark, I saw a dark figure standing Infront of me. What the heck?! I jumped back, startled. The figure took one step towards me. I don't know about you, but that's hella creepy. I tried not to blink as the figure took more steps toward me. A tear slid out of my eye as I froze in fear. The figure was now in front of me. For some reason I couldn't move, so I braced for impact, claws, bites or anything that could hurt me. But....It wasn't any of those. The figure's arms wrapped around me and in braced me. I stood there, stunned. Then I rested my head on it's shoulder and flung my arms across the figures' shoulders. I started bawling like crazy. I know, I know, it's getting old. Like, crying? I must have run out tears by now, but I couldn't help myself. 

"It's okay, shush." The person said. It felt like the person hesitated before it added, "We're sorry...for everything." 

And just like that, the figure melted away and the darkness evaporated. Did the voices just....say sorry?!? 

"I'm not lonely...I'm not lonely!" I said happily as my backpack swung around. I grinned maybe this wouldn't be so bad. And boy, was I right!


I wanted to rest after that....wholesome moment? And headed for the park. The park has always been my favorite place to read or do anything. I was feeling happy from the recent event so I added a bit of skip to my step. I bounced my way to the park as I spotted a free bench to sit down on. I let out a stiff sigh and massaged my back.


Huh? I turned around and say Leli and Jay rushing toward me.

"Ohmigosh!!" Leli panted. "We couldn't find you anywhere! Like, we came back to your room and you weren't there! An' then, we searched outside, and we couldn't see you! Oh, my back is killing me!" 


"I told you shouldn't pack that much stuff! Now you're gonna have to lug that everywhere!" Jay scolded. "Oh, Avery!" Jay turned to me. "I'm so sorry! We forgot to say that were going with you!"

Leli and Jay engulfed me in a hug. I closed my eyes as I smiled. I may not be the luckiest, I do have true friends. And, honestly, that all I could want

Word Count- 1007


True friends 👌👌🥰

I'm sorry I couldn't post but school is almost over and we're getting so much work -_-

I will have to find the motivation to write the next chapter and you can help by commenting! 💖💖

Bye!! I'll try to post more often, I promise! (The next chapter is probably on Friday or next week)


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