Chapter I

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Journal Entry Number 38

When mom left...I was broken. When dad disappeared.... I was mortified...
How does one go about living life when everything they have ever known is taken from them.  I blamed God. I blamed myself. ...

I put the pen down. I couldn't write anymore. I looked out my bullet proof glass window and sighed.
Today is the day I go home. If only i had one.
The doctor contacted someone in my family. Who? I have no clue. As far as I knew,  my family was dead. I've been in this psychatric hospital for over three months.
After my "psychotic episode" at school... where I apparently beat the living daylights out of a student.  Whom I still can't remember their name,face or even why.
All the sudden I hear a knock... it's just the therapist,  Lacey.
She wisps her way in delicately to my side.
"Ms. Lane! Are you ready for today!?" She shreaks softly... I just stare... Lacey smiles softly... Then proceeds to speak a with a l gentle tone.
"Okay, my dear.. you have been here over ninety days. I know it's scary but are you ready?"
"I mean... I guess. It's just...I have no family to go home to."
"On the contrary sweetie."
Then I hear one last knock.
It's an unfamiliar voice.. but the face looks like mine. A lot like mine.
"Sara Bear?" The girl with my face, crying out with tears.
And then it clicked... My big sister..She left when I was eight.
"Oh sweetie....I should have never left you!"
Beth runs up to hug me..I can't hug back..I don't know why. Something in my brain won't allow me to.
Then, I collapsed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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