School 🏫

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Marinette POV:

The moment I woke up from bed, the past events that happened last night were played again in my head like a broken recorder.

After last night, I couldn't stop thinking about this 'Chat Noir'. 

Who was he under that mask?  

I brushed that thought away and looked at my calendar. 

Crap. First day of school. 

I quickly removed the blanket covers that was on top of me and folded them neatly. 

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get changed for the first day of school. It's been one month since I saw my best friend, Alya and my other friends. 

After I got changed, I grabbed my pink backpack and bid goodbye to my parents. While I was on the way to school, I saw Chloe Bourgeois. I didn't quite like they way she treated Sabrina.

"Ugh! Sabrina! I told you! Quit talking already! Adrien is coming to school today!" Chloe squealed. 

"Sorry, Chloe!" Sabrina said.

Sabrina was struggling to carry books. They were about to fall any moment so I rushed over to her. I caught three books in my hand and handed them to Chloe.

"Chloe, I believe this is yours," I said. 

"Marinette, Who are you to interfere in my business! Sabrina! You had one job and you failed! You're ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! Chloe said whilst scoffing.

"Don't worry Sabrina. It wasn't your fault. Besides, Chloe shouldn't be letting you carry her books." I reassured. 

"Thank you Marinette!" Sabrina said cheerfully. I smiled at her and we both made our way to the school.

283 Words! I know this chapter is hella short. :((( But I need to get ideas. 

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