At the Balcony

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A/N: Ok Ya'll here me out...Please click the video above The drawing are so good!  And, It's my favorite song Please just listen to it 😭 It really matches the MariChat ship 😭😭😭This literally screams MariChat. AHHHHH IMM GOING INSANE OVER A FREAKING ANIMATION. Anyways enjoy this Chapter :)

Marinette POV:

While I was observing the sketches of my soon-to-be-made-floral-dress, I heard constant knocking on my trapdoor which lead to my balcony. Being the curious person I am, I went to open my trapdoor. 

I grabbed my sketchbook with me and clutched it tightly.

To my surprise, it was none other than the Chat Noir. I was shocked to see the savior of Paris hanging around some random civilian's balcony.

"W-What brings you here C-Chat Noir?" I stammered.

"No reason, actually. I just wanted to see how my purrincess was doing." He replied with a smirk plastered on his face.

I cringed at the nickname. Not that I didn't like it.

Chat Noir POV:

I could see my princess's face turning beet-red from the nickname I had called her. And my smirk grew wider. 

One of the reasons I came to visit my princess was because I felt lonely 'home'. No, it shouldn't even be called a home. Its just a cold prison.

"So, Princess..." I say trying to break the awkward silence.


"Y 'know, the other night. With the strange man... Did he hurt you? How are you feeling? I need to know." I asked.

Marinette smiled softly and said, " I'm fine Chat Noir. He didn't hurt me whatsoever. Thank you for your concern."

I was glad that Marinette was doing fine. I couldn't bear to see her sad.

Then, I noticed the sketchbook in her hand and her eyes traced to where mine was.

"What's that for?" I said.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just sketch and doodle random things in there." She replied while smiling.

"May I see it?" I asked.

Marinette POV:

Chat Noir asked me whether he could see my sketchbook and I had to admit, I was a little hesitant at first but I handed him the sketchbook anyways. 

Once he got hold of the sketchbook, I looked at his face for his reaction. I wanted to know what he thinks of my sketches.

He then slowly flipped the pages of my sketchbook and stared at a couple of pages. He turned his head to me and said," Wow, Marinette. I never knew you were so talented!"

I felt happy to know that someone appreciates what I like to do. I could feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

Nobody POV:

After Chat Noir complimented Marinette, He glanced back to he sketchbook that was in his leather-clawed hand. He flipped through the sketchbook continuously observing every detail of Marinette's designs.

"These are really good!" Chat Noir said passing the sketchbook back to Marinette.

"T-Thanks Chat Noir," Marinette replied.

Then, the two teenagers just stared into each others eyes. The silence was broken by a beeping sound.

"Sorry princess. I wish to stay longer but then you'll see me without my mask and you wouldn't be able to resist me." Chat Noir charmingly said while smirking.

Marinette laughed at his comment.

Chat Noir then took out his staff and extended it. Before he could leap out of the balcony, he felt a strong force holding his leather tail. 

Chat Noir POV:


"Chat Noir?" Marinette said.

"What's seems to be the problem princess?" I asked.

"T-There's nothing wrong. I just wanted you to know that I'm grateful that you had saved me on that night. If you hadn't been there, I wouldn't be here. So, thank you." She said with a weak smile.

"Princess, You know I'll always be there to protect you," I replied.

"Thank you. And I will always be grateful to you." She said smiling widely.

I felt flustered. And I could feel a blush forming on my face.

"Your welcome princess." I said.

Nobody POV:

After that, Marinette released her grasp on Chat Noir's leather tail and pulled him in for a hug.

This gesture took Chat Noir by surprise he hugged her back. He felt something he hadn't felt in a very, very long time. Happiness and warmth. Something he craved for very long.

The two teenagers then released the hug and stared at each other for while.

Then, Chat did something unexpected. 

He leaned to Marinette and gave a kiss on her cheek. And then waved goodbye to her leaving a flustered Marinette.

Marinette POV:

After Chat Noir left, I went back into my bathroom and looked at the mirror. My face was red and I placed my hand on the area Chat Noir kissed. I continue to stare at myself in the mirror. 

OMG This took long. But this is so cute! <3 Eek! I don't know the exact amount of words but its 700+ Words. Please vote so I know ya'll actually want to continue reading! 

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