v. secrets and lies

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twist of fate.

' I just don't want him to feel like he has to be alone through this

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' I just don't want him to feel like he has to be alone through this. '


Cindy Newby hated being lied to.

There was a distinct difference between the little white lies that she'd hear often from her friends and the much bigger lies she seemed to be hearing from the people closest to her. She could take the small lies being given out by Natalie and Matthew when they gushed about how much they liked the gift she gave them or some of her past halloween costumes. Those lies were just to make her feel better and sometimes she even appreciated them even if they weren't entirely true. But the lies she had been told from her new family were rooted a lot deeper than that.

Cindy knew something was going on that they weren't telling her and she had a feeling that her father wasn't being told everything either. That upset Cindy more than anything. She understood there must be a reason why Joyce was keeping things from Bob, but Cindy could see how in love he was with her and the fact that she didn't trust him enough to confide in him was heartbreaking.

     After Cindy had witnessed Will's episode the day before, she had tried to ask Joyce what was going on but she just told her everything was fine. Cindy knew that wasn't true. Something weird was happening and they were lying to her.

All of them.

     Needing answers, Cindy decided to confront Bob and discuss the situation. She was growing frustrated with the hushed voices that seemed to cease whenever she entered the room and the awkward looks whenever something was even slightly off with Will. Cindy just wanted to know the truth because clearly it was an integral part of the Byers family — her family.

     Joyce had dropped Cindy home from school after they found Will instead of going back to the Byers house like she usually did. Bob had arrived home shortly after and Cindy heard him speaking on the phone to Joyce. The call didn't last long before Bob hung up the phone and went to make dinner for himself and Cindy. It felt weird to Cindy being at home as most of her time was spent at the Byers' residence, but she quite liked it being just the two of them like it had been for years.

     The two of them didn't speak much the entire evening and an uneasiness seemed to hang in the air. Cindy couldn't really sleep that night either. Her mind was racing and she felt restless as she tried to figure out what was going on. But Cindy kept coming up empty. There was no reasonable explanation for anything that was happening and she hated that. Cindy was a very organised person and thought logically in situations, but logic didn't seem to be helping her this time.

TWIST OF FATE ── Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now