Chapter 2 || What Happend Last Night? [Being Edited]

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Zero's POV

I woke up to my neck hurting Ahhhh! Why is my neck hurting so much "Wha- What the HELL!!!"

"...oh so your awake, good morning Zero." Kaname says, with a soft smile.

I turned my head and saw, Kaname with a smile on his face. "What are you staring at Kuran? And why the HELL am I in your bed?!" I asked, getting pissed real quick.

"Ooh, I see you don't remember what happened last night." He said. (sigh) "Well I guess I'm gonna have to tell you..."


"Zero, you are my mate and I'm not gonna let you go just to let someone else take you so that's why I'm gonna..."

"W-wait y-your gonna what Kaname?" Before I could say anything else, I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

"Ahhhhh! K-Kaname, i-it hurts... S-sto..." It was to late before I completely blacked out.

(End of flashback)

After he told me what had happened, I put my hand overt neck and felt two pierced spots...

"Y-you marked me h-."I was cut off with a pair of soft lips on mine.


"Oh! I see that you enjoyed that Zero." Kaname said, with a smirk.

"W-what are you talking about Kaname! That was disgusting, and before I was interrupted by you I was gonna say how dare you bite me last night and mark me that's not cool!"

"Well the only reason I did it was because you are my mate and you are mine to control and do." He said, blankly. "What ever" I want to do with you. so your just gonna have to get used to it because every time I'm hungry I just bite that spot I marked you and you can't say a word about it oh! And also while you was passed out last night Takuma, came by and saw how I kinda pierced you hard and I thought well maybe that, that was the reason you passed out last night and also I talked to the headmaster last night and you are apishly moved in with me but you still go to the day class and your stuff should are arrive tonight in my room so you can have all of your clothes and you can stop wearing mine.

When I walked to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and saw the two bite marks he left me oh great now I have another thing on my neck just my luck, I tried touching it but it still hurt though so I looked in the cabinet and saw some band aides and grabbed one and put it in my neck. when I got out I saw Kaname, wearing his night class uniform hey! Why are you wearing your uniform I asked, because Zero, I have to go to class you missed yours today because you was sleeping he said, oh so what am I supposed to do when your in class all night Kuran, well you can visit the headmasters office or go into town but don't go to the hunters association because if they see those two marks on your neck they will try and kill you but you can still visit your teacher/master Mr. Yagari he said, okay I'll just take a nap or something after you drank from me last night I've been feeling kinda weak and tired lately why is that? Oh! Right I know because when you've become a Pureblood's mate you well fell kinda weak and tired for a few days or so anyway I gotta go and before I do that...Ahhhhh! Mh! K-Kaname blacked out again, okay I guess that's gonna be an issue but I sort it out when j get back form class but before I go I'll put Zero, on the bed and I kissed his forehead and headed out the door.

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