Chapter 7 || Save Me!

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"I guess I'll tell him tomorrow" Rido said. "Take Zero, to... Shizuoka's room please" he ordered. Yes-sir I'm on it. They picked up Zero, and put him in Shizuoka's room for the time being.

Kaname's POV
"Zero... my beloved zero, I'll will find you even if I have to climb a brick wall just to find you I will" he thought to himself.

Zero's POV
"M-my head hurts... but why though?" When he suddenly remeberd what happend last night. (Zero, your blood taste good, no wander Kaname, has you as his mate... but i'm gonna change that) change that what did he mean by that?" He thought to himself when the door opened, "Zero our lord would like a word with you" the hitch men said. "Why... for what?" I bet he's gonna suck dry this time Zero thought to himself. "Our lord needs to show you something very important" he said. "What's so important that he needs to show me?" Zero questioned.

"Just common and he'll show you" he said. "Fine" Zero said getting off the bed. "It's about time you came" Lord Rido said looking at his henchmen. "I'm sorry my lord for the wait" he said bowing down. "But here's Zero liked you orderd my lord" he said.

"So what do you want with me this time Rido", Zero said with I don't want to be here face. "I brought you here because of she" he said pointing in the dark area. Everyone looked at the spot he was pointing at. Zero's eyes widen when he saw the women that turned him 4 years ago. "W-what is Shi-zuka doing here?" Zero asked. "Oh, Kaname didn't tell you that I have a. . . Fiancé?" Rido smirked. No he doesn't tell me anything... he says. It's because I'm protecting you from the bad, which Is really stupid because I'm a hunter and I can han- he was cut off with Rido talking... it's because your his mate yes' Rido said with his hand in his hip. I-I guess so... but he needs to know that I can handle myself Zero said looking away.

"Kaname, has tamed him Rido" Shizuka said looking at zero. "Gah, w-what's happening... m-my body it's not listening to me?" Zero said on the floor holding his chest.

"What's wrong Zero, your not used of listening to your masters voice" Shizuka said smirking.

Kaname's POV
"Finally I'm here... so this is where he's been hiding" Kaname said to himself.

(Breaks down the door)

"Rido, I know your here... give me back Zero now" he demanded but nobody answered.

Shizuka's POV
"Rido, would you be a dear and bring zero over here for me?" she asked. Rido, brings Zero over to Shizuka. Now let's began she said putting both hands on Zero's head. Zero i want you to obey my every command or you just could be my puppet, when she said that Zero's eyes turned. Now I want you to kill Kaname for me.

Kaname's POV
"Where the hell is everyone?" he thought. Kaname someone said. "Z-Zero are you okay?" he asked. He didn't say anything... z- Zero pulls out his bloody rose and points it at Kaname. Z-"Zero what did they do to you?" He asked, wait a second... Kaname looks into Zero's eyes and that was like he was possess.

Zero's POV
"Shizuka, ordered me to kill you" he said still pointing his bloody rose at him. "S-Shizuka? I thought she disappeared" he said. "Prepare yourself Kaname... or this may be your last" he said.

"I'm not gonna fight you Zero, you know you can't kill me" Kaname said. ".I can still wound you... also I'll bring you to Shizuka, and she can finish you off" he said coming closer. Fine it seems I can't reason with you... I guess I'll have to fight. When Kaname was done with his talk his eyes started to glow a crimson red.

(5 hours wen't on with the fight)

"Pant, pant I told you Zero, you can't beat me" kaname said looking down at Zero who was breathing hard. "Alright you when win... go ahead and kill me Kaname" Zero said looking up. "I'm not here to kill you Zero... I'm here because I want to save you" he said lifting Zero up.

"What are you doing Kaname?" Zero questioned. "I'm getting shizuka's mind control out of your system" he said putting his head at Zero's shoulder, he bit down on Zero's neck... he winced at the pain then with pleasure. "K-Ka-Kaname I-it hurts... so much..."he said griping on Kaname's hair.

"I know just bear with me... just for a little bit more Zero" he said pulling zero up to get to his neck better. (20 minutes later)
Kaname, pulled out his fangs and saw that Zero, blacked out again...(sigh)...

"What's taking so long for Zero to bring Kaname to me?" Shizuka asked. The door opened and reveled Kaname holding Zero In his arms. "Well I never thought that you would actually kill your own mate Kaname" Shizuka said with a smirk in her face. "Oh, I didn't see," he turns Zero's head and revels his bite wound.

Shizuka, was shocked and very angry at Kaname, because she knew what he did to Zero. I see so you sucked his blood to get my mind control out of him, very clever indeed... she attacked Kaname, but he dodged it in time. Hmm, I see you get mad when people mess up your plans huh, Shizuka.

Your right but I intend to get even she said attacking him again but this time she caught his leg and made him fall. Hahaha, did that hurt... well let me me make it hurt more in death.

(Kaname put's his hand threw shizuka's chest)

"I-I'm surprise that a person like you would do such a thing" she said coughing. "I would do things to protect the person I care about Shizuka" he said pulling his hand out of her chest.

(Shizuka falling backwards)

"You have killed another "PurreBlood" all I see in your future his jet black darkness"she said closing her eyes. I know that... have a nice life in HELL Shizuka Hiou.

Now for you Rido Kuran your next one to die.

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