Chapter 16 || Marcy's Friend!

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-Marcy's POV-

"Dad where gonna be late for school if you don't wake up Allen" Marcy said getting out of the bathroom. "Okay sweetie I'll wake him up" Kaname said walking into Allen's room.

"Morning mom" Marcy said sitting down in the kitchen. "Good Morning, Marcy are you ready for school today?" Zero said making breakfast. "Yeah...i guess" Marcy said putting her head down. "Oh, Marcy don't look so sad maybe you'll make a new friend toady" Zero said turning off the stove. "Yeah maybe your right" Marcy said smiling a little. "Mhmmm, I know I'm right" Zero said rubbing Marcy's head.

"Alright I'm ready to go" Allen said coming out of his room. "Great" Kaname said handing Allen's breakfast. "W-wait why is it wrapped up for?" Allen asked. "Because you took to long to get ready" Zero said getting off the seat. "It's not my fault...Dad woke me up late" Allen said crossing his arms. "Hehe anyway I wan't y'all to have a good day at school" Zero said hugging the kids. "M-mom enough with the hugging...we need to leave for school like right now" Allen said undoing the hug. "Alright, alright I'll stop the hugging...just have fun at school today okay" Zero said getting up. "Bye dad bye mom see you after school" Marcy said walking out the doors.

-At School-

"Alright students calm down I have an anointments to make" The teacher said. The students got quiet and listened to the teacher. "I would like you to meet Emily Hunter, Drew Hunter, and last but not least Vicky Hunter I would like all of you to treat them with care and make them feel welcome" the teacher said to the class. Emily sat next to me and, Drew sat next to Allen while Vicky sat in the back looking out the window.

"Hi, I'm Emily it's nice to meet you" she said smiling. "Um, Hi I'm Marcy Kuran it's nice to meet you too" Marcy said kinda shyly.

-At Lunch-

"Hey did see the new students" One girl said to her friend. "Yeah they look soo cool but the boy I think his name was Drew looks sooo hot" The other girl said blushing a little. "Yeah your right but the girl Vicky she looks just like Marcy not the eyes just the hair they both have silver/white hair" The first girl said looking at Marcy and Vicky. Kyahh!!! "Drew your soo hot and handsome" Amy the most popular girl in school said.

-Drew's POV-

"Calm yourself ladies please it's my first day at school and I do need someone to show me around" Drew said smirking. "Oooh, let it be me" One of the girls says. "No pick me I've got the building memorized" The second girl said screaming. "Hmm, well look what I've got here" Drew said getting up. "Hey, cutie it's your lucky day your gonna show me around the school" Drew said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Um, no thank may have every other girl trapped in your good looks and charms but I'm not falling for it...NOT ONE BIT" Marcy said walking away. "Well looks like I'm gonna enjoy this" Drew said smirking and walking away.

"Hey, I'm sorry for my brothers behavior but he gets like that when he wants something" Emily said walking to me. "No it's fine...but thank you anyway" Marcy said waking away. "Hey, how about we become friends?" Emily said putting her hand out to shake. "Yeah I would Like that" Marcy said shaking her hand.

-After School-

"So I'll see you tomorrow in school" Emily said waking off. "Yeah see you at school..Friend" Marcy said waking home with Allen.

-At Home-

"Hey, kids how was school today?" Zero asked in the kitchen fixing dinner. "School was great" Allen said sitting on the couch. Yeah school was great we got 3 new students and I made a friend today" Marcy said smiling. "Really that's great what's her name?" Zero asked looking excited. "Her name is Emily Hunter she has a older sister and a older brother" Marcy said looking at Zero's lilic eyes. "She sounds great well I hope you two can become great friends" Zero said smiling. Yeah me too.

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