Chapter 8: Darkness Falls

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Artemis was not sure what extra measures the headmaster planned to put into place as the result of her and Beatrice's encounter with Rakepick at the Black Lake, but it didn't take long for her to find out. After dinner that evening, Professor Dumbledore stood up from the teachers' table and made his way to the front of the daïs. The usual chatter of the Great Hall faded to a hushed quiet.

"I do hope that you will excuse my interruption to your evenings," Professor Dumbledore announced. "However, in light of recent events, it is my unfortunate duty to make you all aware of some changes to our school rules.

"Firstly, from tomorrow evening onwards, after hours will begin immediately after dinner. Any clubs or societies which have meetings during the new after hours times will need to have these meetings supervised by members of staff. In addition to this, teachers will be escorting their students to and from any outdoor lessons, and no students will be permitted outside of the castle walls unless accompanied by a teacher or member of staff. All parcels arriving to the school will be inspected."

"That's a bit extreme," Tonks muttered, her lime green eyebrows raised. "Is this all to do with Rakepick, do you think?"

"Or the statue curse, maybe," Penny whispered in response.

"Nah. Corey was found inside the castle, not on the grounds. It's got to be Rakepick."

"I am sure that many of you will see these new rules as an inconvenience," Professor Dumbledore continued. "I assure you that they have been put in place for a good reason. Patricia Rakepick was seen trespassing on schoolgrounds last night-"


"Told you so," said Tonks. "What could be more dangerous than an evil psychopath who knows her way around the school?"

"- and although there will be Aurors posted in Hogsmeade to keep watch on the school, they will not be the only individuals monitoring the boundaries of the grounds. Until Madam Rakepick has been captured, Hogwarts shall play host to the Dementors of Azkaban prison."

At Dumbledore's words, whispers began to echo across the Great Hall.

"Dementors? Here, at Hogwarts?"

"What are Dementors?

"They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban."

"I heard that Dementors suck the warmth and light out of everything."

"I heard they suck out people's souls!"

Dumbledore waited a few moments for the murmurs to quieten down before continuing.

"The Dementors will be present in low numbers, and I am assured that they will not stray close to the school, however, I must insist that all students abide by the new rules which will keep them well out of the Dementors' way," his voice had grown a lot sterner than usual. "Dementors are blind. They will not be able to tell the difference between someone who is innocent or guilty."

And nor would they care, his eyes seemed to say. Artemis frowned. Jacob was also monitoring the borders of the school grounds. Would he know to be careful of the Dementors? Was there any way of getting a message to him in order to warn him about them?

As the students started to meander out of the Great Hall to their dormitories, the whispers continued. Artemis wasn't sure, but she could have sworn that several suspicious looks were thrown her way.

"I knew teaching myself the Patronus charm would be useful," said Tonks. "At least I'll know what to do if the Dementors get too close to me."

"I don't think you should be doing anything that will take you anywhere near the Dementors. They sound awful," Penny shuddered. "I just can't believe that Rakepick was on school grounds last night."

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