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28th of March 2021

Ivy POV:

Race day was finally around. I woke up feeling excited for today
I decided to open up my phone and scroll on social media for a bit.
Only to my horror i see pictures of yesterday from me getting inside of Max's car before we went to the beach. I opened the comments and there was thousands assumptions. Some thought it was a friend's car,others thought i might be taking driving lessons which was ridiculous. There was people who even thought it was Lewis's car,but that was another weird assumption since Lewis only drives a Mercedes.Max drove a honda so of course there was comments saying it could be someone from redbull. Thankfully you couldn't see Max's face inside the car.But anyway,rumors were spreading around like a fly and it got to my nerves. People were way to curious with others lives these days that they don't even show a little respect when it comes to privacy. Annoyed,i decided to get out of bed and went to the living room only to find Bianca sat on the sofa looking at something on her phone

"You saw the photos,didn't you?"- i said as I caught her attention and she turned her head to my sight

"Unfortunately,yes. But on the good side you can't tell it's Max at least be happy about that. It could've been worse."- she spoke trying to make me feel less worried

The only thing i was worried about was Lewis ofcourse. He was the one who always had to say something about every single thing i did. So i was sure that when we arrive in the paddock he was gonna say something about it. So i really had to think of something.

But since i really had no creative ideas at all,i thought to call Mabel,since she was the creative friend of the group


"So uhm,yeah you can just say it was me who came to pick you up so we can have a day out"- Mabel  was talking on the phone trying to explain to me what to do

"Okay thank you so much,you are literally a life saver. I owe you one "- i chuckled on the phone

After that we talked for about 5 more minutes and then hanged up,so i can get ready for the day.

I decided to go for,a casual,but a bit classy fit since it was race day

I decided to go for,a casual,but a bit classy fit since it was race day

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(This is what Ivy wore)

Then I told Bianca to get ready as well so we can get going quicker.
She chose a basic fit,if you ask me cause i see girls these days wearing those kind of clothes all the time

She chose a basic fit,if you ask me cause i see girls these days wearing those kind of clothes all the time

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