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7th of October 2021

Max POV:

The Turkish grand prix was around. And it was Thursday,which was media day. I normally hate press conferences and all stuff like that. But today I had another reason to hate them even more. I got paired with none other than Lewis. Yes,him. I would have to deal with his presence despite how much I hated too. I feel like people were doing this to us on purpose. They already know we aren't on good terms,plus the championship battle and now this

As we were about to enter in the press conference room myself and Lewis already made intense eye contact. When we sat down on our chairs there was already this awkward silence going on. None of us dared to even say a word. It wasn't looking good already and this was just the beginning

"Alright,welcome to the Thursday press conference ahead of the Turkish grand prix. With us we have Lewis Hamilton on the left,and Max Verstappen on the right who will talk to us shortly. Now let's go on with the questions"- The journalist started speaking and I already felt my nerves building up. It was just way too uncomfortable already. And by the look on Lewis' face,he didn't enjoy it either.

"Okay,so our first question,well this season has already been intense with the battle for the championship,so how do you guys feel about it?"

"Well,it's hard racing. It's what we do,we are both decent drivers and we push ourselves to the limit,and sometimes over the limit,but overall it's a great experience"- I tried to stay as rational as possible. I had so many other things in my mind that I wanted to say,but it would've been too much

"I think we all know that this is what F1 is about,the battles and all of that. I've seen on my social media that people enjoy our battles and that's really important as well"- Now it was Lewis who was speaking,but his answer was pretty decent to be honest. He was speaking the truth

The interviewer went on with the questions and they were basically all about racing and stuff like that. Just when I thought they wouldn't ask any personal questions that's when it all happened

"Okay,and now our final question for both of you. Outside of F1 you two don't really seem to get along,and there is a reason for that. Max,would you tell us more about your relationship with Lewis's sister?"

I was basically fuming on the inside and I felt like exploding at any moment. I hated how they thought they had the rights to ask this question

"Can't you guys just not ask about this. This is a very personal topic that we don't want to talk about in public. And it's not like me and Lewis are best friends or anything like that. I really have no idea what you all fucking expect"- This was the most calm I could be. However Lewis didn't seem to like my answer that much after all

"I used to have a good relationship with my sister. As you all can tell now things a very different. A certain person came into our lives and that's how it all changed. Plus they are expecting a child after all"- Lewis stated

"Why don't you just say my name out loud? It's not like people don't  know? Or are you that scared?"- I turned my head towards Lewis and basically started an argument

"You know i don't give a shit about you,Ivy or even your child? It's basically none of my business! Ivory chose to live this way and she picked you instead of us. I don't know what was going on in her mind but she definetly wasn't to herself"- Now Lewis replied back at me in an angry tone

"Don't you say a thing about them or this will end badly"

There was a lot more arguing after this and it got to the point they had to stop the press conference since it got so bad. What was the worst thing,was that all of this went live and so many people were watching. The media will blow up in any time

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