29. Max

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"Don't worry, I've got this under control." He heard her voice. Why could he hear her? Max opened his eyes in a panicked state. He was definitely still in a hotel room, he looked down at his clothes, still the stuff he wore last night and then he looked around, his stuff wasn't here.

He noticed Kalki by the window, talking to someone on the phone. Shit. What? How did he even end up here? Before he could move, she had turned around to face him. She told the person on the other side she'll call them up in a bit.

"What am I doing here?" He shot straight away.

"Clearly you were beyond sloshed. What do you remember?" She asked.

"I remember running into my dad. Everything after that is blacked out." He admitted.

"Okay, after that I'm not sure how but you reached here. My room, and told me about the situation you're in."

"I'm guessing someone called me a taxi." He shrugged.

"Alright, let's get you to your room so you can freshen up." She offered her hand.

"I'm perfectly capable." He said standing up, only to stumble a little. A piercing headache took over his body.

"You're clearly not." She gently led him out of the room, towards the lift to take him to his own.

She was gone before he could even say thank you, he walked into his room. Glad he hadn't run into his father yet, but it wasn't unavoidable. Nor would his wrath be. But it was something he could put off facing for a while.

He took a shower, hoping the water would soothe him. Calm his mind, save him from his own thoughts. The patter of the water hitting the ground was soothing, a music his mind could focus on rather than all the worst case scenarios running through his mind.

He pulled on a white polo and jeans, he was hoping to grab some breakfast before it was time to pack up. He walked into the restaurant of the hotel, the manager greeted him, he returned a polite smile to her and continued inside.

"This is unbelievable!" A voice thundered. The very voice he'd been trying to avoid all day long. Almost as if out of instinct, Max concealed himself from the view of that table. Just enough so he could hear and see what was going on.

Kalki was standing at the other end of the table, she didn't look frightened by him. Her dark eyes wore their usual indifference, her body language clearly showing she didn't feel intimidated.

"It is my fault. I went a little overboard with the planning." She said coolly.

"Now it's going to cost him. It's going to cost him bad and you're his manager you know how bad this is-"

"He was still spotted at a club with presence of a sponsor. It's fine. I take care of his image and business. Let me worry about it."

"Are you trying to tell me where I can be involved or not in my own son's life young lady?" Max could hear the anger in his father's voice.

"Personal life, I don't care. But don't involve yourself here. I'm paid to worry. You're not. I take responsibility of what happened, he wanted to celebrate and I left no time for that, that's a bad call from me." She said.

"You better watch your tongue around me." Jos stormed out of the place.

Max watched Kalki sigh, and finally take a seat to finally eat her breakfast. Why did she take blame for it? Did she think he was not capable of cleaning up his own messes?

"You're not very discrete Mister Verstappen." She was looking at him.

"So I'm mister Verstappen now?" He walked towards her.

"Yes. Keeping it professional." She said.

"Just call me Max." He rolled his eyes.

"That name reminds me too much of a little boy I couldn't stand. Mister Verstappen is the F1 driver I work for."

"Whatever suits you." He said. "I have just one question."

"What is it?"

"Why did you cover for me? Do you not think I'm capable of cleaning up my own messes?"

"That's two questions and no, I think you're very capable of cleaning up your own messes."

"Then why lie?"

"I was honest, I overbooked you. That's my fault."

"It's your first time having full control over my schedule you could have just said you're new to this."

"I may be new, but I'm not incompetent." She narrowed her eyes at him.

Why couldn't she just be honest. Give him answers to his questions without trying to put up a front. It was tiring. He wanted to know what he'd revealed to her last night that made her stick her neck out for him. There was no way to know because she definitely wasn't the type to budge at all. Being called Mister Verstappen by her felt so strange, so cold. As if they'd never known each other before.

"There's one more thing..." She nervously but her lip.

"What is it?"

"Apparently I upset your father too much so he's leaving to go back home."

"Good." Max scoffed.

"So... so do you want to see him off or should I get him a chauffeur?"

"I'll drop him." He gulped, "it's time to face the music."

"Come on! He's your dad what's the worse he could do?"

Max's features darkened, he felt like she never paid attention to what he said. She clearly saw the effect her words had, she looked nervous now. "Don't go to the airport with him." She said.

"I can't put off hearing his insults forever."

"You shouldn't have to hear them at all. If possible you should never hear them. He has a problem with me, I'll drop him off." She smirked.

Her words got Max worried, he didn't want to put her to put herself in danger just because she wanted to be petty. There was a lot he knew about his father and a lot he wish he never knew, it's the bits he wished to never know that made him convince her to let it be.

"Don't go. Have a chauffeur drop him off. He's unpredictable."

She looked confused for a bit, but the look on his face was a dead giveaway for exactly what he meant. "I pity your inner child for the things he's had to face." She shook her head.

"I wish you'd stop pitying me. I'm not made of glass you know." He scoffed.

"I don't think you're made of glass. But I do think you've gone through things no child should have to." She browsed through the menu.

Why did she have to tug on a string and then act like nothing had happened? Kalki had mastered the art of getting on his nerves and hitting where it hurt him the most. This one stung, but he knew it wasn't intentional. They ate breakfast in silence and headed to their rooms to pack up, ready to get to the airport.

Max wasn't looking forward to the flight to Tokyo, he wanted to be left alone. Take in everything that had happened, but the marketing thought it would be a good idea to shoot content on the plane, have all the Red Bull drivers interact with each other and have Yuki quiz them.

"Is there absolutely no way I can get out of it?"

"No. Because they're all flying on your jet." Kalki said.

"Alright, I've slacked off,  this weekend I'm going to make up for it."

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