Birthday 24

154 2 1

Astrid p.o.v

As I could hear the screams of the people that were in here ad I didnt ever feel like a drop of blood on me I can hear them and that faul smell they have as after some time the screaming stopped  as I slowly lifted my blindfold as I could feel my geart slowly stopping as I saw bodys on the ground but no blood on me as I looked up and saw Hiccup holding 2 bodys in each of his arm as he dropped them as I look around and saw most of Olivas men were dead and most of the children were huddled up in a group fear in their eyes "good job Hiccup wheres Oliva" I asked as Hiccup looked at a certain direction as I look over and saw Oliva hiding amongst the children ,what a coward

"Hiccup make him suffer" I said as I tightened up my fist as hes brought shame and humiliated us woman "Mistress if you want I know a particular Island where they like the weak and when I mean like I mean the Love making special" Hiccup said wait theres an actual island of that where they actually rape men with other man as I look at Oliva "Hiccup do so" I said as Hiccup nodded as he walked towords the children as they all moved out the way as Hiccup made it infront of Oliva "hey Hiccup you know I was just kidding right I like to joke around I never really wanted to declare war on berk you can keep the sword please" Oliva said as he made it to the end of a door

As I saw Hiccup didnt pay any attention to what he said as Hiccup raised his leg and kicked Oliva into a building as Hiccup walked inside as I followed behind him as it smelled I'm here as I opened my eyes as my heart sank as I saw about 20 woman stepped into chairs with their legs open and markings all over their bodies and were naked as I grinned my teeth and squeezed my fist "Hiccup take him in NOW and free the woman and provide clothes for them" I said as Hiccup nodded and I walked away as I saw the kids trembling in fear "hey dont worry you guys can come with us live at Berk" I said as that seemed to out them at ease

Time skip

"So this is the island" I asked as I was riding with Hiccup as Toothless was carrying a beaten up Oliva damm the woman really did a number on him he deserves it as Hiccup landed as I look around and saw a bunch of woman carrying spears and wearing some sort of Armor "ladies Lord Hiccup has returned" a girl said wait Lord Hiccup as they all began surrounding us all of them touching Hiccup all over his shoulders to his legs what did he do "Ladies" we then turned to see a beutifal brown haired girl wearing the same armor "Hiccup you made it back and who's your companion" the girl asked a shes waved at me

"Queen Atali this is my Mistress Astrid the current holder of my contract we came across another human" Hiccup said as Toothless threw Oliva to this girl named Atali "I see what are his crimes" Atali said as she snapped her fingers as some guards came and picket him up "many these ladies will tell you" Hiccup said as we turned around and saw the ships that was filled with woman and children "I see well then will see that his crimes will face the consequences thank you Hiccup" Atali said as she began walking away as I look at Hiccup as he got back on Toothless

Small time skip

"Well guess we should start" Heather said as we made it back to Berk as she had an axe and so did I as we were at the Cove as this was the place where Hiccup was banished "alright Hiccup start cutting trees and make some wood for some buildings" I said as I started at one tree and began chopping it down as Heather did the same as we began cutting it

Again small time skip

"Phew done" I said as the tree began falling as it crashed down "Hiccup you almo...." I stopped when I saw Hiccup was already done cutting all the trees and took the last stomp out from the ground with his bare hands "wow he really is impressive" Heather said as she saw Hiccup carrying 1 tree over his shoulder and settling it down in one area and began cutting it into small logs "alright Astrid how do you want to do this while Hiccups cutting the logs we should plan where we want things" Heather said ever since I've been given role for Wars for peace or fighting I'm In charge of a whole small Village of Berk

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