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Normal p.o.v

3 days

It's been 3 days since Hiccup and Astrid stopped talking to eachother as Astrid didnt want Hiccup anywhere near her  as shes been mad at him ever since didnt even want to look at his way the only time she talks to him is to only give him orders but other than that not so much talking going on between them as they were having breakfast as Astrid sat across from Hiccupas Heather was in between them as she looked curiously at the both of them "okay I gotta break this tension What is the matter between you 2" Heather said as Hiccup stabbed his food with the fork but took a piece  and bit it off

"Hiccup can you please explain to Heather what you said to me" Astrid said as she took a sip and didnt even look at Hiccup as Hiccup wanted to let out a sight but hes already been disrespectful "I may have told Mistress that she means nothing to me and no one does since she tried to replace my best friend human" Hiccup said as Astrid tightened her grip trying to contain her anger "okay then" Heather said as she looked at Hiccup and then at Astrid "so maybe you 2 need a vacation and try and apologize maybe" Heather said as she looked at Hiccup and Astrid but they ignored her

As Heather let out a sight and looked at her best friend and at Hiccup as she began thinking "please excuse me I'd like to go do some training" Hiccup said as he began walking away as he went outside as it was just Heather and Astrid there "Astrid you know I look at you like a sister but Hiccup probably didnt mean what he said" Heather said trying to confert Astrid "how do you know he made it clear that I'm nothing to him that I'm just another contractor he has to protect" Astrid said as she pushed the plate away and leaned her head on the table "that might be true Astrid but take my advice you 2 probably need to blow off some steam take a vacation or something remember what you said you'll never give up till he forgive you and I know my friend she never gives up on people" Heather said as she let out a smile and began walking away

As memories flashed through her mind on how Hiccup has treated her taken care of her and defended her against Oliva or being sold as she then got up and walked outside as she saw Hiccup in the arena doing slow hand motions with Jian's sword as she let out a breath and walked towards the arena as she looked at the gate and saw Toothless there just laying g there as he looked up at Astrid and began jumping around her with a smile like a dog not seeing their owner "hey Toothless sorry I havent visited in awhile" Astrid said as she rubbed Toothless's chin as he let out a smile

As Astrid then opened the gate as she saw Hiccup taking deep breaths "what training style is that or is that also what you made up" Astrid said as she finally looked up at Hiccup and started talking  to him properly "no it's a time when I visited a particular place I saw a guy there training using slow hand movement he told me that this gives him time to think on how to defeat an opponent he then speeds up and goes faster till he masters his movements" Hiccup said talking while doing slow hand movements as an idea popped in Astrids head "and what's this place" Astrid said as Hiccup stopped "not far from here actually it's actually near Berserker Village apparently the Village there is poor for not getting enough trading" Hiccup said

"Well maybe we can go there I would like to see the places where you traveled before" Astrid said as she turned around and began walking towords Toothless "as you wish Mistress" Hiccup said as he placed his sword back and began following her as Toothless began following them but Astrid had to make a quick stop "Heather your in charge for now something came up" Astrid shouted as Heather heard it and smiled as she kmow what she was planning "alright Hiccup let's go" Astrid said as Hiccup nodded as ha got on Toothless as Astrid got behind him and wrapped her arms as they soon took off into the air

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