the promise part 14/49

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"Listen closely now we need 3 things to get us into the land of the Titans first we need to learn the travel rune that opens realm travel to Tartarus second we need to carve that rune into a special gateway" Ceous said as the giant Python was moving the bridge making sure they were going into the right direction "also the last one we need to find the location of Tartarus Zeus made sure that the land was protected and hidden in case if a titan managed to escape and wont repopulate themselves" Ceous said as Hiccup was still in rage after hearing that Hera the wife of Zeus was a Goddess hidden away "except the giants and their infinite wisdom saw to it that no ordinary chisel would do the job the only way to know which and how we can open the dome where Zeus placed his power on Tartarus" Ceous said

"So we need 3 things a key,shape that key into a way it can open the dome and find where Tartarus is hidden" Hiccup said in a short sentence to see if he got it all correct and he did "correct my friend luckily I know where it is and not far now" Ceous said as Hiccup nodded as Astrid to say something but couldnt as she felt so useless in the part of the group as Nuff was good with his bow and arrow and could even surpassed her Hiccup is just a God with his strength and intelligence but she felt useless being with them

"You know the Python looked kinda mad for a moment there" Nuff said looking at Ceous  "ah that he thought I said you were friends of Zeus please forgive me I've never spoken the ancient tongue sober" Ceous said as Hiccup nodded as he looked at his surroundings as they stopped as Hiccup looked at the Python as it backed away "hey look the waters dropped even further tou can see more if the towers and statues "where is this key" Hiccup said remaining focus to what Ceiys was saying "find me a boat and we'll go from there" Ceous said as Hiccup nodded as they began walking the opposite direction as they walked down some stairs and found a boat nearby as it had fish on them

As Stormfly and Toothless jumped in and began eating clearing it up for everyone else as they then got on as the oars were there as Hiccup began rowing the boat to a certain direction "which way to the key" Hiccup said as he waited for a response "keep rowong towards that statue and threat past between them" Ceous said as Hiccup looked around and saw 2 statues colliding spears as Hiccup began rowing at that direction "this key we seek what's it look like" Hiccup asked the head

"I'm glad you asked actually I have just the story for you...there was once a Titan named Hyperion a very Titan,Giant who despite his mountain size was without question the greatest stonemason this world had ever seen proud Hyperion hoped to one day pass his vast knowledge on to his daughter but young Selene had the heart of a warrior perhaps the father had too much fear in him or the daughter to little either way a quarrel of their spiraled out of control and the overworked stone mason-Bonk-struck his daughter Selena ran off into the night feeling shame and regret Hyperion chased after his daughter but in his emotional state som found himself wandering Olympus lost and alone sadly he caught the eye of the ina person he didnt want to meet alone that night..." Ceous couldn't finish as Hiccup interrupted "Head the key how does it look like" Hiccup said getting infuriated not getting his answer

"Fine story killed just get me a stone from this place at the top of the mountain and will go" Ceous said as Nuffs shoulders slumped down wanting to know the rest of the story but as Hiccup kept on rowing snow began falling "snow it isnt Snoggletog" Astrid said as she saw the snow on the ground "this particular placed has some minor changes dont worry you'll get used to it" Ceous said as Astrid had trained her body to survive in the harsh conditions but it was just for awhile Hiccup didnt seem to mind it tho as Hiccup saw a small dock as he placed the boat there and tied a rope around it "enemies" Nuff said as he couldnt see very clearly in the snow as it was a but foggy as Hiccup looked over his shoulder

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