Tell Me

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*Casey's POV*
Ding. The door to the music shop made. "Welcome to Addicted to Records." Said a short middle aged man. I looked at his name tag. Josh. "Hey is Ashton here?" I asked. Josh shook his head. "He left like 10 minutes ago to pick up his shit siblings." He sounded annoyed. "He'll be back soon though." I nodded and walked to the back where Ashton had shown me. I stood there flipping through the CDs when I heard yelling. I began to walk up to the front. "Fuck you!" It was Ashton's voice. "Do you want to lose this job kid!" Josh yelled. Ashton lowered his head. "You don't want to be like you fuck up father do you!" Josh yelled. Ashton said nothing. "I thought so." Josh mumbled walking away. I walked out from behind the wall. "Ashton?" I said. "How can I help you?" He said. "I don't need anything. I want to know what the hell that was?" He shook his head. "Why do you give a shit!" He yelled. "I just wanted to know what happened!" I said. "He just fucking hates me that's all. He doesn't want me going anywhere on his time." Ashton said. "Now can I help you with anything?" He said looking towards Josh. I shook my head. "No. I just came to look." I said. "Well I have to go check shit for Josh." Ashton said walking away. "Wait, Ashton." I said. "Why are you so distant?" He shrugged. "I'm just used to being shut up in my own world with no one to say anything to." He said turning away. I lowered my head and walked out.

"Mom!" I yelled walking inside. "In here!" She yelled from the kitchen. "Where did you go?" She asked. "I went to that music store 'Addicted to Records'." I said grabbing something from the fridge. "What could you possibly need there Casey? You went there yesterday." I nodded. "I know but there's a friend of mine that works there." My mom smiled. "You already made a friend." I nodded. "Well he..." My mom stopped me. "It's a boy?" I smirked. "Yeah. His names Ashton." I said smiling. "Ashton, what a nice name." She said. "Yeah." I said.

*Ashton's POV*
"Irwin!" Josh yelled. I rolled my eyes. "What?" I said. "You'll be working till close for the rest of this week." I nodded and went back to looking at the clock. 8:00. One more fucking hour.

"You can go home now Irwin. I'll lock up." Josh said. I nodded. "Have a good night Josh. See you tomorrow." I said kindly but still pissed off at him. As I walked down the street, I could hear my phone ringing. I reached into my pocket and answered. "Hello?" I said. "Ashton, mom she's drunk again! Harry and I are locked in my room." Lauren cried into the phone. "Where are you?" I breathed faster. "I'm walking home now from the shop. I'll be home soon. Stay in the room don't leave." I said. "Okay." She cried. Then I began to run home.

I raced down the street to my house. Once I got to my house i rummaged through my pockets for my keys. As I unlocked the door someone came and yanked the door opened. It was my mom. "Where the fuck have you been!" She yelled. "I made you dinner! You ungrateful bastard! Just like your father!" She grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me inside. "Mom I told you I had work late!" I yelled. "I sat there waiting! You could've called!" She yelled rushing into the kitchen. I stood there in the hallway. "Mom! Stop! You're drunk!" I said. "No I'm not!" She began to throw kitchen utensils at me. I walked into the kitchen and hovered in the corner. She kept throwing things at me. "You whimp!" She yelled. "Coward!" She picked up the hot iron. "Mom put it down!" I yelled. "Ashton you don't understand anything!" She yelled. "Yes I do! I lived through the divorce with you!" I yelled. The iron moved closer to my face. Too stunned to move, the iron branded my face. I screamed. "Ashton! Honey what happened? I'm sorry!" My mom cried backing away. "Stay away from me!" I yelled. I stood up and ran out the door.

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