02)Morning Practice

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After Yachi and Kiyoko showed you around you sit down next to Ukai to watch the boys.
I forgot to say this is morning practice my bad😅
You saw how high Hinata jumps are and Noyas rolling thunda and Asahi spikes and Tsukishima blocking.
You were amazed that their good .
Y/N: You can tell they were weak before.
Ukai: Really they were how did you know?
Y/N: I saw the tall one who looks like Jesus say " This time I won't be weak" and the orange tangerine said" We will get stronger" if you want your team to be strong tell them to keep their mouths shut.
Ukai: Just like your grandpa.
Tanaka was gonna hit the ball but he look at you and you look back and smile he lose balance and misses the ball .
Tanaka: Damn it!!
Daichi: Tanaka are you feelin- ?
Tanaka: I'm fine!!
Y/N: Is he always like this?
Ukai: No not really, You!
Tanaka looks at Coach and walks towards him.
Ukai: You shoul-
Y/N: You should do some exercises to boost your jumps!
Ukai: Y/N-
Y/N: And if you need help with practice just tell me, what's your position?
Tanaka: Wing spiker-
Y/N: I played that position once but! I will help you! And your team to be better!
You smile at him and he smiles back.
Y/N: Now go back out there and show me your useful!
Tanaka: I'm useful!!
Y/N: Then show me!
Tanaka hits his cheeks at yells walking away.
Ukai: Wow who are you?
Y/N: I'm sorry dad i remember grandpa saying things like that to his team!
Ukai: No it's fine we need someone like that!
You smile and nodded.
After practice
You were walking to your first class and Tanaka runs up to you.
Tanaka: Wait! Y/N-san!
You look back and stop and Tanaka walks up to you.
Tanaka: I wanna say thank you! Your words hurted but it got me pumped up!!
Y/N: Oh sorry if I said it to harsh I was going for a nice/ mean tone.
Tanaka: Don't be! C-can I walk you to class?
Y/N: Um sure!
Tanaka: Yes!- I mean ok!
You giggle.
Tanaka: What year are you?
Y/N: First, wh-
Tanaka: Then you can call me Senpai!
Y/N: Yea no
Tanaka: Wh- what why not?
Y/N: It's weird I'll say it when I'm use to you.
Tanaka: Yes?
After class lunch time
You go to the cafeteria and Tanaka waves you down to go sit next to the team.
You walk over to them and sit next to Tanaka.
Suga: Hey Y/N!
Y/N: Hey~
Noya: So Y/N do you play volleyball?!
Y/N: I'm not really into it but yea my grandfather made me play.
Hinata: Which position?!
Y/N: I played Setter, Lebrio, Spiker and sometimes Middle Blocker.
Tsukishima: You seem to short to be a Middle Blocker and spiker.
Y/N: And you seem obsessed with short people to be making fun of them~
Everyone: Ooooooooh~
Tsukishima: Tsh! Whatever~
Y/N: Plus I'm not short, I'm taller then tangerine and thunda.
Noya and Hinata: Tangerine and thunda?!
Y/N: Sorry I forget your names.
Noya: It's fine but nice nicknames!
Hinata: And by 2..5 cm~
Y/N: Sorry~
Tanaka was trying hard not to laugh.
Y/N: He gets it
Daichi: Y/N if it's not asking much do you think you can help us with practice if it's not too much?
Y/N: For sure!
Yamaguchi: How come your dad never mentioned you before?
You look at Yamaguchi and you kinda gave him a deadly face and he got scared.
Yamaguchi: Uh- sorry I didn't mean-!
Y/N: It's fine! Just I don't like being talk about.
After lunch.
You didn't like math and when you head to class the teacher was an asshole.
You raised your hand.
Teacher: What is it?!
Y/N: I need to use the restroom
Teacher: I'm teaching
Y/N: Then I'm gonna piss in your class room.
Teacher: Make it fast!
You get up and flip the teacher off behind her back and run away to ditch.
Tanaka saw you in the hall and you accidentally bumped into him causing you to fall on top of him .
Y/N: Shit are you ok?!
Tanaka: Yeah , Are you?!
Y/N: Yea just a bump~
Tanaka: Why were you running?
Y/N: Ditching, my teacher is being a ass.
Tanaka: Um- can - um you get-
You forgot you were on top of Tanaka and right away get off of him.
Y/N: Sorry~
Tanaka: It's fine
Tanaka and you start to blush.
You help him get up.
Tanaka: Can I ditch with you?
Y/N: Why?
Tanaka: I kinda wrote something on the chalkboard.
Y/N: Ok! But you have to take me cause I'm not from here~
Tanaka: Yeah! Come on! Tanaka grabs your wrist and runs away.

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