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You and Tanaka were walking and making sure no one was following you guys.

Tanaka: Why are you ditching?

Y/N: My math teacher was being an ass-hole, you?

Tanaka: I drew something and got in trouble and I ran out and bumped into you.

Y/N: What did you drew?

Tanaka: Oh uhh nothing~

Y/N: Come on tell me!

Tanaka: No! As a Senpai I should not tell you!

You whisper in his ear and his eyes widen.

Tanaka: YOU SAW!?!?

Y/N: Yea! When I ran by. To be honest it was small.

Tanaka: Hey! It was normal size.

You look at Tanaka and he looks at you and you both laugh.

Tanaka: Ok! Enough of that, where do you want to head first?

Y/N: Not sure, maybe just walk around the park or something.

Tanaka: Oh, ok sure!

You and Tanaka started walking and an awkward silence came from you guys.

Tanaka: So! Is your dad gonna get mad at you

Y/N: Maybe

Tanaka: Wait- That means he'll get mad at me!! I have to take you back!_

Y/N: Dont worry, he wont do nothing. He too scared to yell at me cause of my mom.

Tanaka: What do you mean?

Y/N: My parents are split up and my dad wants me to be with him so he has to keep a good eye on me or my mom will take me away from him forever, plus I cant go back to the city.

Tanaka: .........That made no since

Y/N: Exactly! Thats why your not gonna take me in!

 You ran away and Tanaka started chasing you.



You ran into a convince store and hid from Tanaka while he walks in.

Tanaka: Y/N if  was you I'll come out now.

Y/N: Why? You gonna tell my dad?

Tanaka: No your dad is gonna find you!

You look at the sodas and saw one of the rows empty.

Y/N: Oh thats right I didn't restock them- wait....

Ukai: Who's there?!?

Tanaka jumped hiding behind the stock of chips and you look over at him.

Y/N: *Quietly* Shit! Distract him!

Tanaka *Quietly*: What!? No! He wont let me play volleyball!

Y/N: Fuck, I can't go back with mom!

Tanaka looks around and grabbed a can from behind him and threw it towards Ukai and Ukai ran to it and Tanaka ran to you and pulled you out the store.


You and Tanaka ran until you guys were far from the store and then stopped at a park.

Tanaka*Catching his breathe*: Oh- my- god- tHAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!

Y/N: WHAT!!? That was like running from a pschyo!

Tanaka: Come on! You knew it was fun running from your dad!

Y/N: .........ok it was fun!

Tanaka: Hey! We made it to the park!

Y/N: Wow!

Tanaka*Looks at you*: Umm about back when I was chasing you, why dont you want to go back to the city, with your mom?

Y/N: That? Eh, Not telling you.

Tanaka: Come on! I just saved your butt! You should be thanking your awesome and brave Senpai!

Y/N*Chuckles*: Your weird, I like you.

Tanaka*Blushes*: What??

Y/N: I like you cause your a weirdo- EW!!! Not like that!!

Tanaka*Teasing*: Lair, you LOVE your Senpai~ I can catch every girl with my fabulous charms! Except Kiyoko, but she'll love me soon enough! 

Y/N: You have a thing for her?

Tanaka: Yea! Why, jealous?

Y/N: Ew, in your dream! Small pee-pee

Tanaka: Yes!- Wait what?!

Y/N: That was how small yours is on that chalk-board.

Tanaka: HEY!!!

 You ran away again and Tanaka ran after you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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