Chapter 34

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When the plane touched down in Italy, Aro ushered Nichole into a car, and then from there, they went to the Volturi headquarters. Outside, it just looked like a normal historic Italian building, but once they got inside, Nichole could see that wasn't the case.

"This top level is for the sightseers," Aro explained, keeping a tight grip on Nichole's arm for the entire time. "Downstairs...well, that's where the fun really begins. For us anyway. For the humans...well, they have a few minutes of extreme pain before their life on this world ends." He gave a small laugh, which caused Nichole to shudder. He talked about killing people like it was nothing, what had she gotten herself into?

Aro then took her downstairs, and Nichole looked around at all of the ornate furnishings.

"Like it?" Aro asked with a chuckle. "We may live underground, but that doesn't mean that we don't have taste. Diana!"

A female vampire quickly scurried forward. "Yes, Aro?"

"Take Nichole here and get her cleaned up, then show her where she is going to be sleeping."

"I could do that," Jane said quickly, and Aro looked at her. "You could, but frankly, I don't quite trust you with our new member. Oh, and Nichole, don't try to run, you wouldn't make it very far."

Nichole bit her lip, nodding before she followed Diana out of the room, feeling Jane's gaze on her the whole way.

"Don't get yourself too riled up about Jane," Diana said. "She's always jealous of the new ones, she thinks that they're going to take her place. If it weren't for her powers, Aro would have gotten rid of her a long time ago."

Diana definitely seemed nicer then Jane and Aro had been, but Nichole remained silent.

"Aro told us all about you, about your powers. Is it true? That your blood kills vampires?"

Nichole simply nodded her head, and Diana sighed, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Look, I get that you're scared, but so long as you do everything that Aro asks of you, then nothing bad is going to happen to you, okay?"

"And what about Jane?" Nichole finally spoke. "She and I are going to be alone eventually, and I...I'm scared of what she would do to me when that time comes."

"And that is where I come in." Diana led Nichole into a luxurious bathroom, with a gorgeous clawfoot tub. "Aro has appointed me as your bodyguard, so to speak. Jane and I have similar powers, but I'm not as volatile as Jane is." She started to fill the tub with warm water, adding in some bath salts. "Even though Aro is a vampire, and has been so for many years, there are still some human things that he enjoys. Your bedroom is right down the hall, and it's all ready for you. Aro sent someone out to get some clothes for you, but I think that you'll find them a bit...old fashioned."

After her bath was over with, Nichole could see what Diana had been talking about. Her closet was filled with dresses, like those that women would have worn centuries ago. "Well, someone has a hard time letting go of the past."

Diana giggled softly. "That's something that he has never been able to let go of. Aro thought that things were far better in the past than they are now, things were easier back then. Not that I would know, I was only turned a few decades ago. I'll step outside so that you can get dressed, and then Aro has requested that you join him for dinner."

"Sure, because it's totally not creepy for a grown-ass man to ask a teenager to join him for an intimate dinner," Nichole mumbled under her breath.

"I wouldn't say things like that, if I were you. There are ears everywhere, and everything gets reported back to Aro. I wouldn't keep him waiting too long, he can get quite impatient."

Once Nichole was dressed, she followed Diana down to a dining hall. Besides a couple of people holding what looked to be platters of food, they were the only ones in the room.

Aro smiled widely when he saw Nichole. "I see that the clothes fit perfectly. Thank you, Diana, you may go."

Nichole looked at Diana, and the woman gave her a reassuring smile before nodding at Aro's request and leaving the room.

"Please, sit." Aro pulled out a chair, and Nichole gingerly sat down. "You needn't worry my dear, I am not going to hurt you. I have to admit, I have been infatuated with you from the moment that I heard about you. I mean, a human with blood that can kill a vampire? Extraordinary, and you are a very beautiful human as well."

Nichole didn't like where this was heading. Aro snapped his fingers, and the people that had been holding the platters came forward. For Nichole, there was baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans, along with a glass of wine, at least she hoped that it was wine. For Aro, he had a large bowl of what looked to be blood, and Nichole's stomach turned.

"I have something to admit to you," Aro said as he took a sip from his bowl, using a napkin to wipe some of the red liquid from his lips. "I had another reason for bringing you here."

"That doesn't surprise me," Nichole said, forcing herself to take a bite of the chicken, which actually wasn't that bad.

Aro laughed softly. "You are an outspoken woman, I like that. Ever since I became a vampire, I have looked for the perfect woman to spend eternity with."

Okay, now Nichole really didn't like where this was going. "What exactly are you implying here?"

"As I said, I have spent years trying to find the perfect woman, and now I have found her. Nichole, I intend on making you my bride."

Nichole dropped her fork, and she stared at Aro with wide eyes. "Your what?"

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