Chapter 52

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"We need to have a plan other than just fighting them and hoping for the best." Nichole pointed out. "How are we going to fight them? You know Aro, Carlisle, how is he going to have his group fight?"

"His group is a bloodthirsty lot, so they're most likely going to be as bloody as possible," Carlisle said. "Especially where the wolves are concerned, not to mention that Aro is out for revenge, which means that he would not hesitate to kill us in front of Nichole if only to make her suffer for running away from him."

"Which isn't going to happen, of course," Esme added quickly. "Aro and his group underestimate just how strong we are. He'll probably think that since he has the upper hand in numbers, that we'll just surrender to him, won't he be surprised when he finds out otherwise."

"Nichole, I want you to stay by the back door," Carlisle ordered. "Not that it would do much good, but if everything goes south, then I want you to run and try to hide." He went over to her, placing a wooden stake in her hand. "The only thing that humans have tried that has actually succeeded in killing one of our kind. I know that it's not a lot, but it may save your life."

Nichole gripped the wood so tightly that she could feel it digging into the palm of her hand. "Carlisle, if things go wrong-" Her voice broke, and tears started to fall down her face. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault!"

"Oh no." Carlisle pulled her into a tight hug. "Nichole, none of this is your fault, Aro is a very sadistic man, he is the one to blame for everything that has happened these past few weeks, not you, never you, do you understand?"

"But you're risking your life for me-"

"Because you are my daughter. No matter if it were you, or Rosalie, or Alice, I would still do my best to make sure that you are safe and protected."

Nichole sniffled, wiping away the rest of her tears. "Just promise me that you're all going to try your damndest to make it through this."

"Of course, we will. We are Cullens after all, and we don't go down easy."

Bella went over to Nichole, holding her hand tightly as they watched the others leave the house. "So...a wooden stake is the only thing that we have to arm ourselves with?"

"It would seem so." Nichole's voice had changed, there was no emotion in it, almost like she was a robot or something along those lines. Nichole realized that she couldn't feel anything in the moments to come; she couldn't let her emotions get in the way, because her emotions could very well be the death of her.

Nichole could hear shouting and wolf howls coming from outside, it would seem that the fighting had begun. "We need to get away from the windows, maybe get upstairs and hide somewhere. If they don't see us in the house, maybe Aro will think that I ran away or something."

"But won't they be able to smell that we're here?"

"No matter what, we would still leave a lingering scent. If we had candles or something it would help, but for right now, the only thing that we can do is hope for the best. Listen to me, it's me that Aro wants, he doesn't want anything to do with you, so if I tell you to run, then you run, you understand me?"


"Please Bella, I don't want you to argue with me. I've caused enough trouble for everyone, and if I can do something to preserve your life, then that's what I'm going to do. Now, I want you to go upstairs, find yourself a closet or something to hide in, okay? I don't want you to come out unless you hear me or one of the others, do not come out until then, do you understand me?"

"Okay." Bella stared at her for a moment before rushing upstairs, and Nichole bit her lip. She walked around the house as quiet as a mouse, looking out the windows, looking for any sign of trouble. Wherever the fighting was, it wasn't directly in front of the house. Nichole wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

It was times like these that she wished she had powers, like Edward, so that she could read minds and see what the hell was going on.

She sat in the living room, twirling the stake around in her hands. Part of her wanted to go out there, but then another part of her scolded her for being so stupid. If she went out there, then she would almost certainly not be coming back.

Then...a loud and shrill scream came from upstairs.

"Bella!" Nichole ran up the stairs faster then she ever had before, but Bella was nowhere to be found. In her place was a note:

'My darling,

if you don't want your beloved friend to arrive dead and dismembered on your doorstep, then you are to meet me in town in exactly one hour. Come alone, and if you come any later, then the Swan girl dies.'

Nichole growled, tearing up the paper, and throwing it to the floor before running out of the house.

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