Chapter 38

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A/N: mention of suicide

"Now, remember the plan."

It was the night of the wedding, and Diana was helping Nichole to get dressed.

"I just go along with everything as normal so that no one suspects anything," Nichole said, and Diana nodded her head. "The wedding starts at eight, and I'm meeting your family outside at seven. Luckily Edward seems to be the only vampire so far that's able to read minds, so so long as you keep up a good poker face, nobody should suspect a thing until it's too late."

Nichole looked at herself in the mirror. If this didn't work out, then she had a backup plan of her own. Hidden in the sleeve of her dress was a knife. If this didn't work out and she wound up being married to Aro, then she would do whatever was necessary so that she didn't have to live out the rest of her life like that, even if that meant that her life wound up being cut short.

"Caius is going to come and get you when they're ready for the ceremony to start," Diana stated. "I have to go now if I want to meet your family and the wolves on time. Stay strong." She placed a kiss on Nichole's head before scurrying out of the room.

Caius arrived about a half-hour later. "You look somewhat decent at least." He mused. "Aro should be pleased."

"Oh gee, thanks," Nichole muttered. "Nice of you to let me know that I don't look like total trash."

"I should hope that you don't have that tone with Aro, he can make life for you very miserable."

"Well, good thing that I have a good sense of self-preservation then. I'll act right with him, but the rest of you are going to be in for a hell of a time."

"Wonderful," Caius said with a roll of his eyes. "Come, Aro is waiting for his bride." He offered his arm, but Nichole didn't take it, instead, she followed behind him. She was sure that Caius was getting pissed off at her, but frankly, she didn't give a damn. The bigger of a distraction that she made, the better the chances that her family would be able to take everyone by surprise.

There weren't a lot of people in the ceremony, which surprised Nichole.

Caius seemed to be reading her mind. "Aro has sent the others on various missions, I suppose that he wants the two of you to have the place to yourselves for your wedding night. You'll be in for quite a treat."

Nichole repressed a shudder at the suggestive tone in his voice, and she had to keep herself from puking. "Oh, joy."

Aro smiled that creepy grin of his as he watched Caius and Nichole approach him. "You look wonderful my dear. Diana really worked wonders on you." He took her hands as the ceremony began, and after the vows were said, he put a hand on her back, pulling her closer to him. "All of my fantasies are about to come true." He murmured in her ear, and then his lips smashed against hers.

That was when the doors burst open.

"Get your filthy hands off my imprint!" Jacob roared before he turned into his wolf form, leaping forward.

The other vampires, surprised by the sudden visit, soon sprang into action. There were about twenty vampires there, surprisingly less than any of the others had thought that there would be.

"Aro, let my daughter go!" Carlisle commanded as he threw a vampire across the room.

"Oh, not a chance, Carlisle," Aro said, grabbing Nichole in an iron-tight grip. "She is my wife now, after all. Diana...I knew that you were helping them, which is why I planned accordingly. Jane!"

Jane seemed to appear from out of nowhere, and Diana began to scream in pain, throwing some of the others off guard.

"No!" Nichole shouted. She looked up at Aro, kissing him, which took him off guard. She used that opportunity to take him off guard, slipping out of his grip and taking the knife out of her sleeve. "I knew that this would come in handy." She threw it, and it hit Jane. It didn't do any damage of course, but it was enough to take her attention.

Nichole started to run, and Jacob jumped in front of her, snarling and snapping at any vampires that dared to come close to her.

"Everyone out!" Carlisle shouted.

Emmett punched Jane hard enough to send her flying before he helped Diana to her feet.

Nichole climbed onto Jacob's back, and everyone ran out of the room.

"You can't run from me!" Aro shouted. "I'll find you again, Nichole, we were meant to be together!"

Nichole shuddered, burying her face in Jacob's fur.

The group didn't go back to the hotel, but instead ran until they were a few towns over.

The adrenaline had left Nichole's body by this time, replaced by shock and tears. She still had her face in Jacob's fur, which was now wet from her tears.

"We should be safe here." Carlisle said, helping Nichole to get off of Jacob. "Tomorrow morning we'll head for the airport."

"But where are we going to go?" Alice asked. "Like you said, we can't go back to Forks."

"What about, like, Colorado?" Emmett suggested. "We can get a cabin in the mountains, he wouldn't find us then."

Carlisle nodded his head, looking down at Nichole. "How about it?"

"I-I don't know." Nichole whispered. "I don't know if I can leave Jacob."

"Well, who said anything about leaving him? He would be more then welcome to come with us, as well as anyone else."

Nichole sniffled, wiping away the rest of her tears before she looked at Diana. "You're coming too, right?"

"Are you kidding me, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Diana replied, causing Nichole to smile. "Alright then, Colorado it is."

A/N: I'm sorry if the little action scene was shitty guys, I'm not the best at those XD

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