Chapter six

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~Bonnie's POV~

springtrap was on the phone for a while talking with goldie to ask if we could stay with them for a while. "hopefully he says yes... what will we do if he says no Bonnie?" BonBon looked at me with tears rolling down his face "don't worry about that right now.. lets just hope for the best.." i sighed and hugged BonBon. some minutes later springtrap got of the phone he looked happy? sad? i couldn't tell.. "i have good news! we are staying at the fazbears." springtrap stated. BonBon jumped up with joy he was so happy he got to stay with his best friend. i got up and hugged springtrap and BonBon we were all happy we were going to be safe.

~~a few hours later they arrived at the fazbears~~still Bonnie's POV~~

i knocked on the door of the fazbears home and i was greeted by Freddy. "oh hello Freddy!" BonBon said while pushing past me that made me fall into Freddy's chest! "s- s- sorry! i didn't mean t- to." i stuttered. "its fine.." Freddy's face was red. "come on ill show you to your room." he took my hand it made me blush.. why am i like this? he took me upstairs to my new room it was really big it had a grey carpet and white walls and a king size bed! "its not much but you can decorate it in any way you want." i looked at Freddy with a big smile. "its lovely." he just smiled back.

~~Goldies POV~~

'ive been staring at springtrap for ages ever since he arrived... i should just tell him how i feel but he likes girls.. right?' i just stood staring at springtrap while thinking how i should tell him. "hey Goldie? Goldie? are you okay?" springtrap waved his hand in front of my face to make me snap back into reality. "w- what?! oh spring! heh i- i wasn't doing anything" "yes i know you spaced out for a second there are you okay?" he asked with a worried look. "heh yep i'm fine!! don't worry about me! you know what im going to watch a movie so ill see you in a bit?" "oh well can i join you?" he said the one thing i didn't want him to say but i couldn't say no i would just feel bad. "s- s- sure" i stuttered. 'stop stuttering you idiot' "aw i didn't know you stutter." he said with a smirk. "i- i don't." springtrap just laughed. "its okay i think its cute." he winked at me then walked off. 'did he just?' i was shocked but i was also really happy because i might have a chance with him now. i followed after him and he asked me what movie are we watching. "lets watch moana." i said. "i didn't know you like disney." he smirked. "well we don't have to watch it if you don't want to." "no no i didn't mean that i love disney!" he stated. i put the movie on and sat on the sofa next to springtrap. but then i feel a arm around my shoulders this made me blush really hard i felt my body heat up fast. springtrap noticed i was blushing and said "aw did i make you blush?" he just made it worse! i was sweating really bad he never acted like this before so why now? "n- no im n- n- not blushing!" i said while covering my face with my hands. "it's okay i get it." "w- what?" he just smiled and took his arm of my shoulders which made me a bit sad but also made me feel better. and we watched the movie but half way through i drifted off to sleep and i was laying on springtrap.

~~springtraps POV~~
i noticed he had fallen asleep so i turned off the movie and picked him up bridal style and took him up to his bedroom. I layed him on his bed and striped him down to his boxers so he would be more comfy. but then he started to say things in his sleep i didn't take much notice of it at first until he said 'spring' why did he say my name? then the next thing he said was embarrassing for him and me.. 'harder.... springy' i just stood there in shock not knowing what to do i knew exactly what he was dreaming about... but why? why me? i just left his room and closed the door and i ran down the hall to get to my room but i bumped into Bonnie. "oh! Bonnie sorry! wait why are you awake its like 1am." i asked. "hm i could say the same for you." "oh right! i was just with Goldie. anyway i have to get to bed heh." i pat his head and then rush back to my room.

~~time skip to the next day~~Bonnies POV~~

i wake up and walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth and washed my face. after that i went downstairs to get breakfast i saw that springtrap was cooking waffles my favourite i also noticed Freddy was awake too. i went and sat next to Freddy and grabbed a waffle from the plate in the middle of the table and stuffed it into my mouth. "mm tasty" i said with my mouth full. "BONBON GET UP IVE MADE WAFFLES" springtrap screamed. "I'M UP!!" "OH AND WAKE FRED AND GOLDIE UP TOO!!" "OKAY!!" BonBon yelled back at springtrap. "don't we have school today?" Freddy asked "no silly its Sunday!" i replied back giggling. soon BonBon, Fred and Goldie came down stairs and sat with us. "ugh about time." springtrap said while placing waffles on their plates. "hey its not my fault Goldie wouldn't get up!" BonBon said. i saw that springtrap was looking at Goldie weird so i asked "hey spring, what happened with you and Goldie last night?" he just looked at me and blushed. "w- what do you mean? Nothing happened?" of course i didn't believe him but i just said "alright then." Goldie looked confused so maybe nothing did happed. it was silence for a bit but then Fred broke the awkwardness "so BonBon want to hang out with chick and mangle later?" "sure!" BonBon smiled "wait you guys are friends with mangle?" Freddy asked. "yes why?" "she is foxy's sister." "oohh" then it went back to silence this went on for a while until Fred and BonBon got up to leave the room. "hey Freddy?" i looked at freddy. "hm?" "so i was thinking about decorating my bedroom want to help?" i asked. "sure!" "okay lets go to the store to get things" i smiled "hold on!" springtrap stopped me "what is it spring?" "just please be safe and stay away from that Levi guy.." he looked worried. "spring im fine i promise ill be safe don't worry!" i smiled and walked out of the house with Freddy and got into his car and drove away.


i was worried about bonnie and i was also worried about the fact i was alone with Goldie i didn't know if i should tell him what i heard last night or not. "im worried about bonnie.." i sighed. "im sure he will be fine" Goldie patted my back "but you don't know whats going on with him! hes got this crazy ex boyfriend! and-" i was cut of by Goldie putting his fingers on my lips. "he will be fine you worry too much." he took his finger off my lips. i had to tell him about last night i couldn't just lie to him! "Listen Goldie... i need to tell you something... about last night" Goldies smile faded. "what is it?" "well..... i kinda heard you talk......... in your sleep.." Goldies face turned red. "w- what d- did i say..?" i sighed. "my name..... and h- h- harder...." Goldie covered his face with his hands and said "n- no im so s- sorry its not what you t- think!!" i felt bad for him he clearly didn't want me to find out any of this.. "Goldie its okay just don't worry about it... but answear me this.. why did you dream about that..?" Goldie sighed. "i never wanted to tell you this... but i like you.. if it isnt obvious now..." he had his hands on his face and i could see a tear roll down his cheek. "hey Goldie.. you should of told me.. and i should of told you that i feel the same way......." I saw Goldies face lit up. "really?!?" i smiled and said "yes" Goldie ran up to me and put his arms around my neck and pulled me into a deep and passionate kiss which took me by surprise but i kissed back anyway. we eventually pulled apart because we needed air. then Goldie giggles and said "you have no idea how long ive wanted to do that." we both laughed and hugged eachother.

(A/N)okay so not as big as i thought it would be but i just love publishing chapters so much i want to get them out fast but this is the biggest one so far and there is more of Goldie and spring in this one so this is my favourite im really enjoying writing this book im going to try get chapters out once a day or week depends on how long the chapter is but yeah ill try my best to write as much as i can i know not many people are reading this anyway but whatever its fun to right anyway BYE =) xxxxx

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