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De Ja's P.o.V

I hung up the phone not sure what to do. Man I have no job now. I sighed loudly and felt large hands wrap around my waist. I got really scared and then the person behind me spoke. "It's okay. Its just me" I felt so much better and I was able to relax.

I turned around to see a beautiful smile which belonged to a guy that I have so many feelings for. I hugged him tight and he in return hugged me. "Are you okay?" at first I didn't want to answer but I did

"Yeah. I just need a hug from you right now." We hugged for a good five minutes.

I pulled away from him and got a glimpse of that bright smile. I couldn't help but smile. "Who were you talking to on the phone?" I tried to forget about the call and then he brings it up.

"It was my boss. She wanted me to work, but I had to quit."

"Why would you do that?"

"My safety is more important than my job"

"I understand. This must be a lot of stress on you."

"It is."

Michael's P.o.V

I want to do something special for her. She's really stressed and needs to unwind. "Want me to help you relieve your stress?"

"How are you going to do that?"-

"Well how about a date?"

"A date? As in a romantic date?"

"If you want it to be romantic it can be." I hope she says yes.

"Umm ok then. I guess it could be fun."

I couldn't help but smile. Our first date.
"What should I wear?"

"Whatever you feel."

"But should I wear a dress, jeans, or a skirt."

"Wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing."

"So a dress would be appropriate for this event."


"So I'll see you tonight at 8:00 p.m. Meet me in the backyard and we can go from there."

"Ok then" I took her hand and kissed it.

"Until tonight beautiful."

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