20 Facts about me challenge

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1. I'm 16 turning 17 on April 14

2. I'm from Las Vegas.

3. I was obsessed with Michael for about six years until I discovered Nirvana in July.

4. I'm a junior in high school.

5. Blue is one of my favorite colors

6. I play viola, violin, cello, piano, and bass.

7. I'm working on starting a band pretty soon.

8. Converse Is my favorite brand

9. Nirvana is my favorite band

10. Batman is my favorite hero

11. I play flag football at my school.

12. I am a female

13. I'm black/African American

14. I wear jeans everyday all year round

15. My hair is shoulder length.

16. I am child 3 out of four for my dad

17. I am child 2 out of three for my mom

18. I'm mentally dating Michael Jackson, Jimmy page, Dave Grohl, Brian May, and Roger Taylor.

19. Low-key I'm a good artist.

20. I'm planning on getting rid of this account because this is my first time being on here since November.

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