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De Ja's P.O.V

I guess staying at Michael's could be fun. I don't really know much about him but I feel like I can trust him. I wonder what his family will be like tho. I hope the like me or at least tolerate me.

I didn't really want to go back and pack anything at all. I just wanted to leave everything there and forget all about it.

"Well do you want my help to pack your stuff or nah?"

"You can if you want to doesn't matter to me." 

I don't even know what I have to pack cause it was such a mess I don't even know what the rest of the place looks like. "Well then we should go."

1:20 p.m.

So here we are back to the place I used to call home still destroyed. I walked back to my bedroom and it wasn't as bad as the living room. There was still stuff everywhere but it wasn't terrible. "So where do you wanna start?"

"Doesn't matter to me."

2:49 p.m.

We finally finished finding things and getting things packed up. Come to find out I don't have as much stuff as I thought I did. I was sitting by the front door with my head in between my knees. "Hey you feeling ok?" I looked up and Michael got on his knees in front of me.

"No Michael I'm not."

"Well then what's the problem?" Jasmine asked as she sat down next to me.

"I just want to get out of here. The more I'm here The more I feel pain. It just doesn't feel right to me anymore." Michael stood up and I buried my head back in between my knees.

"Well you will perfectly safe at my house" I looked up

"How are you so sure."

"Cause I'm there." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"And as long as I'm around no one will hurt you."

Michael's P.O.V

Seeing De Ja sad hurts my heart. Seeing her this way breaks me Cause I know she's hurting and I'm trying to make it right and it's doing much.

When i told her that I would keep her safe she broke down. I hugged her and let her cry in to my shirt. "It's gonna be ok." Then she pulled away and looked at me.

"Thank you Michael."

"Any time." I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and could stop myself and kissed her. It felt so magical. Her lips were so soft and there was so much passion. We must've been kissing for a while cause out of no where I hear someone clear their throat.

"Well that's not awkward at all." I completely forgot that Jasmine was here. Out of no where De Ja begins to laugh. I was already red her laughing made it worse.

"Oh I'm sorry Michael. I have this problem where I laugh when things get really awkward and I laugh at serious moments. I can't help it just happens." Jasmine just stood there laughing at us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys."

"No no it's ok. Forgot you were even here."

"I can tell." My face is burning now.

"Anyways Michael take care of my best friend. If anything happens to her I'm coming after you and I will break you face. Promise me that." she held out her pinky.

"Now once we promise this there's no going back. I take these things very seriously."

"So do I and I promise." With that we linked pinkies with a promise.

"Well I gotta go. Michael don't forget our promise and De Ja call me, text me, or come over anytime. You know you're always welcomed at my house."

"Oh please I basically live there." They both laughed and then hugged "Love you."

"Love you too." Then she was gone and my phone rang.


"Michael sweetheart are you ok?"

"Yes mother I'm fine."

"Ok well you've been hone since early this morning. When will you be home?"

"Soon mother. There's nothing to worry about."

"Well when you leave early in the morning and don't call for hours there is something to worry about."

"Mother I'm fine."

"Ok then. We''ll see you when you get home. Everyone's coming over for dinner"

"Ok I'll see you then."

"Ok bye love."

"Mother wait I forgot to tell you. I'm bringing over a friend."

"oh well I will love to meet this friend."

"You'll love her mother."

"It's a female friend? Now I really can't wait to meet her."

"Ok I'll see you later mother."

"Ok bye love."

De Ja P.O.V

Oh my glob Michael just told his mother that she'll love me. What if she doesn't. Oh my fudging glob anxiety is taking over.

I started breathing really hard. It was like I couldn't breathe. Oh no anxiety attack. I could feel my skin starting to burn, my heart was beating really hard, and I can't breathe. "Woah are you ok what going on?" I couldn't talk only faint words came out while I was trying to take deep breathes to calm down.


"Ok Ok where is it?" I pointed to My bag that has my medication. I carry it all the time just in case I need it better safe than sorry. He gave the medicine bottle and I took the amount I needed to calm the fuck down.

I took deep breathes and was getting back to normal. "Sorry. I have a bad anxiety disorder that causes all of that."

"Are you ok now though?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Good cause you scared me. Why we're you having a panic attack." Should I tell him or nah.

"Well I had an attack cause I heard you tell your mom that she'll love me and I have Atychiphobia."

"And that is?"

" Fear of failure."

"There's no reason to be scared. If you just be you then you won't fail with my family"

"You sure?"


"Ok then I'm trusting you."

Oh how I don't want to be hated and rejected by everyone all his siblings. He has a lot of siblings and being hated by all eight of them plus his mom and dad...No stop it before you suffocate. Everything will be fine. I hope.

"Well now that you are trusting me. Lets go meet my family." He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. Wow he opened the door for me. No one has done that for me ever.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to."

"As long as you're riding with me I do." He walked around to the drivers side and stated the car.


"I guess so." He grabbed my hand. "Don't worry you'll be fine."

"Thanks." And with that we were off to his house.


Don't you guys hate it when you're reading a really good story and it's not completed. Then when you go to see when it was last updated it was forever ago. I just had that problem I wanted to cry.Anyways I remembered absolutely nothing. This is all new stuff that I came up with. Anyways yeah enjoy it.

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