chapter 1

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Everyone slowly regained there memory's of the event and was at the celebration party after "wining", people that Shrek didn't even know existed was there and cookie was making his famous chimichangas for everyone

There was punch and of course someone had to spike it (best guess is puss)  ,Shrek was the only one drinking it And donkey and puss where fighting over who was the best dancer,But one person was in the mess of it all....pied Piper

He was sitting near the cage where Rumpelstilskin lied to keep guard,there was feathers on the muddy ground and in his cage, I guess you can say he wasn't the only one not having a pleasant time at the party

Rumpelstilskin was giving him the death stare, maybe he wasn't a party person or probably because he paid him and then he betrayed him by forcing him to dance against his will
At a party that literally is celebrating
Him losing a literally on going war

Pied Piper preferred the first one probably because it was less dramatic but of course, pied Piper thought about making conversation which was probably really stupid

(Piper) i guess your not a party type?

I waited for a reply but I only received
His cold stare, his cute when he's angry which is all the time

(Rumpelstilskin) ............

(Piper) you know you where never the talking type-

Rumpelstilskin glared even harder,it was like he was trying to see something that was hidden beneath pied Piper cold emotionless face that Rumpel had seen for years

(Rumpelstilskin) what are you playing at?

Only just now Rumpelstiltskin has started to caught on to his act, always some how messing things up for Rumpelstiltskin and that same emotionless face when he is met with anger by Rumpelstiltskin

(Piper) what-

Rumpelgrabs him by the shirt and
There now weirdly face to face considering Rumpelstilskin hight ,  Something flashes in pipers eyes and rumpelstilskin noticed for the first time, They where so close that Rumpel could tell that Pied face was hotter than the sun, and his was breathing ragged, Rumpel could see that he was shivering from his touch. The collar of his shirt was tight around his neck because Rumpel was choking him by grabbing his shirt so tight and rough

This is the first time that he ever got physical with him when he was angry,  as it clicked in Rumpel head he couldn't help but look at Pied Piper crotch to see if he had a boner, and he did

(Rumpelstilskin) your getting off to this you sick bastard?

The attention was directed at them now,Shrek half drunk stopped drinking the punch, donkey and puss stopped fighting about who's the best dancer, cookie stopped cooking there
chimichangas and they didn't even notice it slowly catching on fire

as much as pied Piper hated it he had to pry Rumpel hand from his shirt, Rumpel hand was rough to the touch, a delicacy

(Piper) clearing his throat he says "i must be leaving, it is quite late"

Piper leaves and goes get his horse,
It's hard to walk when it's hard somewhere else

He gets on his horse and leaves, everyone stopped paying attention to him except one person
"In his house "

(Piper) that was too close, he almost reveled himself to everyone

Piper than unbuttons his pants and grabs lube, he then takes his pants off fully and teases his hole with his lubed finger

(Piper) ahh~

He than inserts his finger while stroking his d!ck making it soak
In pre cvm

Sticky,wet,juicy, and big d!ck twitch when he finds the gspot

(Piper) ehh~ ah~ ah~

The only thing he can think about is the amount of things he would let rumpelstilskin do to him,so many positions he can think about but not enough time to do it

He doesn't mind being a bottom,as long its rumpelstilskin being in control he doesn't mind at all

He imagines himself in his cage being taken advantaged of, ravaged by him~

He wants to be ride on and begging for more only to not receive it

(Piper) ah!~ I gonna cvm~

Piper was seeing stars,it was bliss and then waves of pleasure, his sheets where soaked in his sweet cvm,swear,and salty tears of pleasure

He would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little ashamed,but he did he enjoy it~

He took his clothes and put them in a pile and took them to get cleaned,while that he also needed a shower to clean up

rumpelstilskin x Pied piperWhere stories live. Discover now