chapter 2

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It's a beautiful night out side,the crickets are singing and the frogs are
Harmonizing together

Piper is outside of Shrek swamp home near the cage

Shrek and Fiona are having a wonderful vacation at far far away kingdom and left Piper to stay watch of the house

Nobody else was able to do it, donkey is on his anniversary with his dragon wife And of course gingerbread man would love to help but is to small for such a task and would probably get eaten

And Pinocchio has a book store to watch because the blind mice keep trying to eat the books

So that leaves Piper to guard and stay watch of there house

(Rumpelstilskin) so where not going to talked about a couple nights ago?

Piper has been trying to keep his distance for months after the last incident at his party that no one seems to remember except him and Rumpelstiltskin which seems to torture Rumpel to no end

(Rumpelstilskin) I know you can hear me

Pied Piper can't help but think about what happened that night, and wondering if that could happen again but different, his hands around my neck instead of my shirt and a cock ring to keep me from cumming

And rumpelstiltskin was right i could hear him, rambling about this whole time that getting him mad it was on purpose, and how sick and twisted it was

But i didn't care, seeing him mad right now was all i was thinking about

(Rumpelstilskin) hey,Are you even listening now weirdo?

being pulled out of my thoughts, i actually start listening to him intently with my back still turned

(Rumpelstilskin) I actually have a question. .

My emotionless flustered turned into a confused flustered, what could he asked when he basically knew everything now

(Rumpelstilskin) how long and thick is your dick?

W h a t

(Rumpelstilskin) it was kinda obvious that you had a boner,tho I didn't think it would be that obvious

My face feels like the sun again, If he keeps teasing me I might just get another one

(Rumpelstilskin) I mean considering for my height it was all up in my face two-

Piper turns around and Put his hands through the bar of the cage Grabbing rumpelstilskin by the shirt and kissing him, It was fast at first but slow and then once Piper was done kissing him they where both staring at each other

(Rumpelstilskin) why- why did you kiss me!

Rumpel was blushing so mad that it almost made him go for a second kiss,but he "controlled" himself

(Piper) well it shut you up didn't it?

Rumpel then looked down to the obvious boner in it's glory as the sexual tension grew and then Rumpel said demandedly

(Rumpelstiltskin) do it again

Pied Piper was shocked he liked the kiss, he was shocked he let him kiss him a second time, pied let go of him and his shirt, he then kneeled to his hight and then slowly kissed Rumpel while Rumpel started biting pied Piper lips which draw blood and made him moan into the kiss

As they stop kissing and back away from eachother, there was a line of spit and blood from their lips

(Piper) "so what did you think?"

Rumpel mind was racing while Piper mind was silent with forbidden wanting, it was like a switch was turned, Rumpel started to get his own boner

(Rumpelstiltskin) can you open the cage already. .

Piper smiled at his demanding tone and grabbed the keys to unlock the door knowing he won't try to escape,as he opened it Rumpel Grab him by the belt and pulled him in causing piper to fall on his ass, piper looked up at Rumpel who had a red face

Rumpel sits on his lap and roughly French kisses him, Rumpel then bites pied Piper tongue causing Pied Piper to moan into the kiss and twitch causing his boner to rub against Rumpel ass

Rumpel starts scratching pied Piper back with his sharp nails while grinding on Piper's dick, Pied Piper then takes his belt off and Rumpel assist with pulling his pants down to his knees, Piper's dick stood at 9 inches and it was thicc

Rumpel Pump the dick up and down with both his hands, while doing so he licked the tip and it tasted like coffee, he started to suck and swirl his tongue around the dick and roughly holding onto Piper's hips

(Piper) "i didn't expect you to be much of a sadist" he said between moans

Rumpel rolled his eyes and slightly grazed his teeth against his dick and Pied moan, Rumpel didn't expect Piper to be a masochist

He then started twisting his ballsack and sucking more, that definitely earned a juicy moan from

(Piper) "oh fuck, I'm going to cum~"

Piper cumed a lot, a lot more then what Rumpel expect and some trickled down his chin, i guess you can say he's a messy eater

(Piper) *are you free next weekend?"

(Rumpelstiltskin) "go fuck yourself"


I hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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