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ignore the unsaturated pic of leeseo, I couldn't fix it so this is what we got 😫😪

⚠️Mention of Guns & School Shootings/Curse Warning⚠️

𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙙

Allison arose from her bed as he went to turn off her alarm. She then did her routine; brush her teeth, comb her hair, use her skincare, anything a young teen does. She then sat at her table, brunching on her breakfast that her older brother had cooked for her. She lives with her brother who is able gain custody of her after their parents passed from an illness.

"Thanks bro, I'll head out now-"

"Be careful, I heard there's a freak running around schools killing everyone in it. I have no idea how the cops didn't catch him yet, they don't do their damn job right" Allison's brother grabbed her shoulders as the latter looked ar him in the eye, she nodded hesitantly as her little bubble of joy burst.

The latter was standing at the bus stop patiently waiting for its arrival. The bus the came & she stepped on, she read a book she brought along in the meantime she waited for the vehicle to arrive to the school. As time flew, Allison didn't even realize the bus already arrived. She then met up with her group of friends before heading to class, once they arrived the latter brought up the shooter running around nearby schools.

"Its always insecure people ruining lives of others, I feel almost bad for them you know?" One of Allison's friends said confidently while everyone agreed, while the latter was still nervous around that topic. She never experienced an event this dark so it kind of scared her, but then she broke from her trance as the teacher walked into class.

"Alright kids, settle down. If not, I'll pull out something out of my ass & embarrass myself." The teacher said jokingly as the class laughed. Everyone headed to their assigned seats, and Allison pulled out her notebook to take the latest notes from the board.

Time passed by, the students got more bored the seconds pass. Everyone wants the bell to ring so they can be dismissed, until everyone was caught off guard as the bell rang, but it wasn't the dismissal ringing everyone got used to hearing. The kids looked around with confused faces wondering if this is some sort of prank, but they all looked towards the teacher as he had a horrified look on his face.

"Guys, to that corner, Now! Be as quiet as you can, no noise whatsoever!" The man hurried the kids to the corner, he then turned off the lights &, he went towards the kids to hide. Everyone was confused as they had no idea what was happening. They didn't realize as the bell specified for School Shootings rang, and they were a step closer to getting shot.

Allison was especially the most scared, she was always a softie, a ball of energy, always bringing a smile to people's faces. Someone as kindhearted as her understandably so was the most freaked out, she was sobbing like crazy yet she was quiet so she didn't get caught, even though she didn't know what was going on.


Everyone heard the loud shot which startled everyone, but once they look at where it was shot, everyone saw their classmate with their forehead pierced open with the bullet. The blood dripped from the girl's forehead as she fell to the ground. The shooter successfully got another victim.

Unfortunately, the class believes this shooter clears the whole school as no backup was arriving just yet, and that this class was the last. This person shot another student, and Allison was right behind the classmate. As the latter was shot aswell on the forehead, they slowly went to the ground. Allison followed the silhouette of the corpse to the ground, and there she layed in a puddle of blood. The shooter didn't see the girl behind the person he shot so they did a spree in the classroom.

This cruel person shot the whole class and & the teacher. As the shooter thought he cleared the class, the police finally arrived. "State police, surrender with your hands up!" An officer yelled with a gun in his hand, yet the shooter refused to go down without a fight. He shot the officer and his backup shot the man who caused this slaughter, and the backup officers searched the room for any victims. They found Allison on a cold puddle of blood laying there but alive, once she saw the police she immediately got up.

The aftermath was that the latter never returned the the school for the year. She stayed at home with her brother, him thanking the rescuers for saving her from the slaughter at the school. Not long after, news came out on how almost the whole school was wiped out, the outlier was Allison, the sole survivor of the shooting. The shooter unfortunately passed from the bullets, so now the victims from the schools he visited never get justice.

Around 4 months after the incident, Allison's brother heard a knock from the door. He opened the door as he saw a packed box with the correct details. "Alice, did you order something? Di-Did you use my credit card?!" He yelled to the latter.

"No, why would I? You know well I ask first!" Allison came running down the stairs as she saw the package with her name on it. "Then why does it have your name?"

"Let's open it together since you're so paranoid!"

Both siblings found each other sitting on the kitchen counter opening the box, & they were met with a black cube. "Huh, weird. I'll throw it away-"

"No, what are you doing? What if it's something important"

The latter fought with her brother debating if they should throw the box away or not, in the end Allison won the debate. She found opening the box difficult, while her brother gave her a look knowing he was right on throwing it away.

Until it clicked.

Allison saw a paper come out, it was about an escape room & she was selected to play. "So, should I go? It looks fun!" The latter asked her brother, he was insanely hesitant to let her go, it looked sketchy. But, he knew well his sister suffered the past few months because of the traumatic experience. So instead of restricting her, he'll let her go. She said it would be fun, and he wants her to be happy so he said...

"Yes, you can go"

And we continue Allison's story in the escape rooms, she survived the obstacles coming her way, she survived the challenges that could have kill her, & she was the last one alive, another sole survivor. She's in the hallucination room, debating if she should jump in the hatch she opened earlier, leaving her closest companion behind, Junnifer.

In the end, Allison jumped in.

This is the last backstory chapter, BUT, I'm not leaving my story on a cliffhanger ! I'll continue where we left off all the way back in chapter 6, and there will be only a few chapters left until the finale, ,& then I end this book. :]

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