Family first

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That was the only emotion Cass was feeling.
Oh apart from nauseas, she felt like throwing up too.

She sat in Harlan's study, a place she hadn't been in five years. She missed Harlan and the house. She couldn't say the same about the rest of his family.

"How is she finding kindergarten ?" Harlan asked as he signed a cheque, Cass was pulled out of her thoughts by his voice. "Oh she loves it, always making up her own stories with her wild imagination. Wonder where she got that from?" She asked with a chuckle.

Sliding the cheque across the table, Harlan chuckled, "she may be Drysdale blood but at heart she's a Thromby" he smiled sitting back in his chair.

Cass picked up the cheque, her yes going wide at the amount of noughts "Harlan! I can't!" She protested, it was like this every time she visited. Harlan would write a cheque, Cass would decline, then they would have a discussion that always ended with Harlan saying "I always put my family first"

She sighed, placing the cheque in her purse "thank you" she leaned over the table to place a kiss on his cheek. "Where is she?!" A voice shouted as a door slammed shut, "shit" Cass cursed, jumping up from her seat. He wasn't supposed to be here, Harlan promised he would never be there when she visited.

"Go the back way, will I see you next month?" He asked, Cass nodded before pulling open a panel in the book case, she crawled inside shutting the door behind her.

As soon as it clicked shut, ransom Burst through the study doors. Harlan looked up from what ever he was pretending to read, "can I help you my boy?" He questioned, he was very good hiding the truth and keeping secrets.

"Where's Cassandra?" Ransom asked, Harlan looked at him confused before continuing to read. Ransom groaned, running his hand down his face, clearly not in the mood for Harlan's  games.

That was her car outside, the same 67' black impala she had when they dated. He know it was hers from the dent on the trunk.

"You fucking damage my car I'll kill you!" Cass threatened as Ransom showed no mercy. Pinning her down on the smooth trunk, pounding into her. He just chuckled, sinking his teeth into her neck.

She let out a moan in to the midnight air, no one ever used the back entrance to the Thromby estate. They were young and in love, and Cass didn't know how to keep her mouth shut.

"Keep squeezing me like that and I'm not going to last long" he panted in her ear, her fingers tugged on his hair, earning her a grunt. "You'r all talk Hugh" she taunted locking her emerald green eyes with his baby blue ones.

He loved it when she talked like this, teasing him. Ransom knew he was the best fuck she had ever had and the only man she'd had. He picked up the pace, slamming into her over and over again.

Her breath hitched in her throat, unable to speak. She reached her climax throwing her head back. Ransom continued the assault on her neck, biting and sucking what ever flesh he could reach.

With one last thrust he came, god was he happy she was on birth control. The pair gained their breath before redressing themselves. "You asshole!" She shouted, gaining his attention "you dinted my fucking trunk!" Ransom chuckled "well you do have a big ass"

Those were the days, where they could be together and live carefree. Unfortunately life happened.

Looking out the window, her car was still there. He had time to catch her, and say what exactly?

Why did you run away?
Why did you go into hiding?
Did you have to leave me at the alter?

Five years he hadn't seen nor heard from Cass, and here she was. It now all made sen e why he had to call ahead or have an 'appointment' to see his own grandfather. It was because Cassandra was her. Still avoiding him like an infectious disease.

Cass crawled through the hidden tunnel, it felt like it was never ending till she reached the wall. Pushing it open, the bright lights of the kitchen stunning her.

She blinked quickly to adjust her eyes before bolting for the back door. She ran as fast as she could to her car, constantly looking over her shoulder.

Climbing in her car she let out a sigh of relief. Until she heard a voice from behind her

"Long time no see Cassandra"


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