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After my temper tantrum, I asked my father when the wedding was. It fell on the day Justin would come visit me.

"Justin is visiting that day." I told him.

"Great, so maybe he could sing?" He asked as AnnaBelle came up and kissed him from behind.

"That would be amazing. Celebrity guest star." She said giggling.

I rolled my eyes. "Yea totally. I'll ask him."

Justin had a show tomorrow and another in a few days and then after a week break, he'd be on his way to Mexico. We had talked on the phone every night for the past few days.

In my head we were exclusive but I knew that he was just my best friend.

I texted Justin to see if he was up to performing at the wedding. He said he's gonna sing a special song from his new album Believe.

Whenever Justin asked me if I wanted to hear the tracks before it came out, I shut the idea down. If I never met Justin I would go down to Target and pick up a copy just like his other albums. I want to do that this time too.

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