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"You're joking right?"


"Oh my God." Justin breathed out heavily. For an entire minute, Justin stammered with incomplete words. I heard the bass line of Boyfriend start. He was busy rehersing. "I can't deal with this right now."


"I gotta go. We're gonna get that thing out of you ok Morgan?" He said then hung up.

Justin just called our child 'that thing'. Did i dream that? I layed back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My world was ending. I never wanted to talk or see Justin again.

If he was thinking of abortion he had another thing coming. Never in my life would I take the life from an unborn child, no matter what. I was having this baby, whether Justin claims it or not.

I weighed my options. I couldn't trust Justin and that was final.

I woke up the next afternoon to the sound of AnnaBelle opening my door. Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had on comfy clothes, yoga pants and a tee shirt.

"Hey." She spoke softly to me. AnnaBelle was never the nicest to me but I saw sympathy in her eyes.


She sat next to me on my bed and started rubbing my back. At first I was stiff but I loosened up. "I'm here for you Morgan. You know that right?" She asked me. I didn't know what to say. Her hand moved fluently across my muscles. "I know I will never be your mom, or even LIKE your mom but I'm here."

I looked up at her and for the first time, I saw the sweet motherly side of AnnaBelle. I liked it. I whispered a "thank you".

"When I was 16, I was pregnant." She said suddenly. I looked up at her shocked. "Yes," she chuckled. "I got knocked up by a guy who didn't even want to be with me. It wasn't love. I was a stupid girl." Anna shook her head and looked down at her lap.

It was my turn to do the comforting. I reached up and wiped away an escaping teardrop from her jawline. She smiled faintly then continued.

"I was so excited to marry your dad because I knew I would have a beautiful daughter that I coukd actually keep."

"What happened?"

"She didn't make it. I wanted a daughter that would call me mommy and tell me everything. Like bestfriends But I obviously fucked that up with you."

"We both did." I said.

"Well I'm here Morgan. How many tests did you take?" She asked me.

"One..?" I said almost like a question.

"You should always take more than one, just to make sure it's accurate.I'll pick up another for you on my way home okay? " She stood up and walked towards the door. I nodded at her and she slipped into the hallway.

She was the closest thing I had to a mom right now (besides Pattie but i couldn't tell Pat anything until I was absolutely sure) and I had to let her in with open arms if I wanted to get through this.

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