Who has aids

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Ray ran into her math class and saw Andrew. She took a seat next to him. "I got the Jew disease." She said, followed by fake crying. "The what disease?" Andrew asked. "The Jew disease! Basically if you touch a Jew you get the Jew disease!" She explained. "Who did you touch?" He asked. Ray took a a death breath and mumbled something. "Huh?" "Your mom!" She shouted, fake crying afterwards. "Oh my gosh." Andrew said, then facepalmed.

The teacher then walked in and started the lesson. This sucks ass bro! Like I learned what a binomial was in the seventh grade! Ray thought. Gay school!

Time skip

Ray sat down next to Sam in computer science class. "This class is the gayest of them all!" Ray laughed. "Definitely!" Sam laughed. Their laughter was cut short by Jason running into the classroom. "You guys! I have aids! I don't know how but I do!" He said, he sounded genuine since he sounded nervous but you can never be so sure. "Dude what the hell?" Liam said. Oh yeah forgot he was here.

"Well damn that's nice I guess" Ray said. "It's not pretty cool! I could die!" Jason said. "Well... you could get some money, shred it up, turn it into a liquid and inject into your body!" Ray said. "Dude seriously? I'm being serious I need help!" Jason said. "I am being serious! I saw it South Park one time!" Ray defended herself. "Oh. Ok" Jason said.

"Let's all pitch in a dollar! So that's five dollars! One from me, Ray, Liam, Brady, and Jason!" Sam said. They all got out a dollar and put it in the center of the table. "We gotta skip class and go to someone's house." Liam said. "I ain't skipping! I could get in trouble!" Brady said. "Well if we skip would you snitch?" They all asked. Brady shook his head. "Oh and tell the band director that me and Ray had to check out! Ok?" Sam asked. Brady nodded.

The four left the classroom and took the elevator to leave through the exit where you go to buses. They walked past the steam lab and then got one of the high schools many parking lots. They were in between the elementary and high school. No middle school here, sadly. They went around to back of the high school where the lunchroom and 'new' gym was. It was quicker to get to their houses that way.

Why not go through the bottom exit? You might ask. It's easier to get caught by going through the bottom exit that's why!

They started heading towards Liam and Sam's house since their mother and father were at work. Once they got inside they took off their backpacks. "Ok so how do we shred up the money?" Asked Jason. "Just cut it up dumb ass!" Liam said. "Me not dumb, me smart!" Jason defended himself, which received a few snickers from Ray and Sam.

So they cut of money. "Now how do we make it a liquid?" Jason asked. "How about we put the money in a bowl and then put water in the bowl! Then we mix it together!" Sam said. "Genius!" Ray shouted. So they did that. It worked. They got a needle somehow that we don't question and then put the needle in Jason's arm. "Man you guys I feel better already! I think the aids are gone!" Jason said. "Yay!" They all cheered.

"DUDE YOUR STORY FUCKING SUCKS MY BALLS!" Jason shouted at Ray. "Shut up fatty!" Ray shouted back. "I'm not fat goddammit!" Jason said. "Y'all settle down now!" Mrs. Large said. "Anyways!" Ray huffed.

They all cheered! Jason no longer had aids! He was cured. "You know you guys. I learned something today!" Ray said. "What is that?" Liam asked. "Whenever you need help, just think about what South Park taught you! So you better watch South Park!" Ray said. "Agreed!" The rest said.

"And that's my report on why South Park is educational and why we should all watch it!" Ray finished. "BOOOOOOOO RAY COTSWELL!" Jason shouted. "That was uhm lovely Ray take a seat!" Mrs. Large said. "Thank you Mrs. Large!" Ray said and took a seat.

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