Ginger cow..?

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Goddammit! I don't wanna do this shit. Ray thought. The teacher went around the room, starting with group one, the group by his desk, and asking for names and one thing they enjoyed doing. Soon, he got to her table. Marlini and Eli went. Then Andrew, and then her.

"Hey I'm Ray Cotswell and I like making tiktoks" she said. The teacher then moved on to the next group.

Ray used to be very shy and didn't like talking in front of the class. She's now over that though. A sudden shiver went up her spine for no reason, which caused her to receive a weird look from Andrew.

Soon, all the naming and stuff was over. "Now class, don't hate me but I'm going to be assigning seats, if you have any issues with who I sit you by please speak up so we don't have any issues in class. I'm doing this so that we can have a quiet space for learning but you won't entirely hate this class." Coach Throbindik said. That received a bunch of groans from the students. Coach Throbindik started assigning the seats.

Andrew, Kurt, Ray, and Cecelia wee at a group with was ok. They were group 5. Jamie, Chris, Makayla, and Ryan were at a group. Ryan was Makayla's ex, Makayla still liked him tho. Even though they broke up in the summer camp leading into ninth grade. They were in group four, right next to Ray's group. And the others didn't really matter.

Time skip to lunch brought to you by Red McArthur.

Ray took a seat at the lunch table. She didn't have lunch with Andrew but it was ok. A person sat down next to her. Sam! "Hey Sam! Nice to see you!" She said the girl with brown hair sitting next to her. Sam waved to her. "Hey Ray!" Sam took a bite out of her lunch which seemed to be chicken nuggets. Ray personally didn't like chicken but oh well. She had brought her own lunch anyways, beef jerky, sweet tart ropes, and coffee. Perfect.

Soon the two girls were soon accompanied by four boys. One was a bit more on the heavier side and had extremely short hair, practically bald. Talk about bad hair cut. Another was a bit shorter and slimmer with dirty blond hair. Another was kinda tall and hair dirty blond hair as well, close to brown. And the fourth had ginger hair and kinda tall. Jason, Liam, Brady, and Yarlo. "Sup my favorite girls!" Liam said. Sam rolled her eyes. "Sure I'm one of your favorite girls brother." Sam said. Ray smiled and waved. They four boys took a seat. "Wanna play spin the bottle as tradition?" Jason said. The group nodded.

Brady spun the bottle. "What should this be?" He asked. "Whoever it lands on is gay! We always do that first!" Ray said. "Ok" said Brady. The bottle was spinning. It landed on Yarlo. "Goddammit!" He said. "Ha ha you're gay!" Jason said, teasing Yarlo. "Shut up chubster!" Yarlo said. "Hey I'm not chubby or fat! It's all muscle!" Jason said.

"I swear I live in South Park episode." Ray whispered under her breath. "What did you say Ray?" Liam asked. "Oh nothing!" Ray, followed by a laugh. Which the laugh was caused by Jason playfully hitting Yarlo's shoulder.

Time skip to after school cause we can losers. 🙄

Ray was walking home from school with the group, except for Jason and Yarlo who rode the bus. Since most kids lived close to the school since it was a pretty small town a lot of kids walked home. If they didn't walk home, their legal guardian picked them up. Although some kids rode the bus because they lived a little far out from the school and their legal guardian couldn't pick them up cause of work or something. And some of those kids couldn't get a car cause they were saving up. They got to work by walking to work if the job was close, if not their rode their bikes or whatever to work. Didn't matter to Ray whatsoever.

"I'm glad we all love relatively close to one another." Brady said. "Yeah" the rest of the group. The group has been through a lot together. Bullying, which ended quickly due to Ray being popular and the kids didn't realize Ray was friends with them. Crazy adventures during school, which happened may to much to be normal.

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