Two: Charlie

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Chapter Two


Charles Richardson Okoro was my first real boyfriend but; if I am correct, the 77th boy I have had proper sexual intercourse with in my life. I met and immediately fell in mad love with Charlie on the second night of my second year in the university. I can never forget that night, it was the funniest night of my life. My grandmother had insisted that I leave the states where I stayed with my aunty because she was getting too weak and lonely. It was not easy as I had already spent a respectable number of years gathering friends and sexual conquests so when I got the call to carry on my education in Nigeria, I got so furious but I had no choice plus I knew my aunty only wanted me out of the house before I slept with her husband; Grandma was only a flimsy excuse.

I got a direct entry into the University of Lagos and Charle was the first guy who had the nerves to talk to me; the others were intimidated by the beautiful dark-skinned girl with the American accent. Charlie walked up to me that night with a stick of Suyya and offered me but I kindly declined as I had never eaten the thing, even before I left the country. 

"Are you serious? You've never tasted Suyya?" he asked in shock and was even in more shock when he realized that my eyes were fixed to the visible outline of his very lengthy man-hood in his grey sweatpants.

"Uh..." he faltered, completely speechless as that was his first experience with a beautiful shameless girl like myself. He took money out of his pocket money to buy the stick meat with the hopes of impressing me and the thought of buying more Suyya's until he grew the nerve to ask me to be his girlfriend, but here I was, ruining all the stages and offering myself to him like a blank cheque.

"Are you shy?" I inquired in my unique seductive tone that always sent the London and American boys in the states, crazy.

"Uh *coughs* Shy? *coughs* shy for what now?" He asked and by this time, the stick and the meat were already on the floor.

"Good. Privacy?" I asked, my eyes still fixed on his sweatpants.

"Sure." He gulped.

"You charge?" I asked boredly, my eyes still fixed on the outline.


"I'm asking if you charge for smashing?" I did not realize until I had spoken that I was very audible and that by this time, everyone already had their ears tuned to our conversation.

"Normally," he gulped again, ", girls are the ones that charge." He itched his head, obviously trying to convince himself that this was not a dream and that with luck on his side, he was about to smash the hottest girl in UNILAG; him?!

"Well, it is obvious that I am not one of these girls. I like to pay because I like to get my money's worth." I said, finally averting my eyes from his sweatpants to his sweaty face.


"How long do you last?" I asked in frustration, and all hell broke loose. Boys left their girlfriends and ran toward us, girls glared at me venomously.




They kept going on and on, making complete nuisances of themselves, but watching them struggle to step in front of me made me laugh anyway.

"Let's leave this place." Charlie finally got the nerves I needed him to and took hold of my hands as we fought through the raging crowd of horny teenage men.

I was incredibly grateful when I discovered that he had a car.

"Ooooh, nice!" I laughed as soon as we managed to escape the boys.

"Are you crazy or something?" He spoke for the first time since we started running from the boys.


"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" I teased.

"They are not going to stop talking about this, do you know?" he asked with genuine concern written all over his face.

"And you think I care, because?" I rolled my eyes.

"My God! You really are crazy!" he exclaimed before collapsing into his seat.

"Tell me something I don't know" I laughed. "So, what's it going to be? My place or yours?" I asked, licking my lips seductively.

"How about we find a place and talk." He said calmly and for some reason it felt like I had just heard my name for the first time in years.

All my life, whenever I pull the kind of stunt I pulled, it always ended up in the bed...or some, in the back of the car. No male had ever asked to talk to me when I was clearly offering him sex on a platter of gold.

"What are you saying? You don't want to" I asked, gazing at him in unbelief like he was crazy.

"That is not...I am not saying that.... I am just...Please, let us drive somewhere, get something warm to drink and talk."

It took me a minute to reprocess everything he was saying and everything in me wanted to throw him the middle finger and get out of the car, but I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay."

"You have any place in mind?" He asked with genuine interest. It felt so strange.

"I just came back to the country 3 months ago and I've not had the chance to go out yet." I averted my eyes away from him to the glove compartment. I felt so powerless.

"Okay, there's this karaoke bar on the island where they also serve the best coffee, want to go?" He asked, placing his hands on mine and for the first time, I did not feel like an object, I felt...seen.

"I love Karaoke." Was my response


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