Three: Tiwa Savage

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Chapter Three

Tiwa Savage

I have always heard about how funny it is that you meet someone for the first time in your life, yet it feels like you have known them for life, that is exactly how it felt with Charlie.

It was hard to pick a highlight of my life that night; The car ride to the Karaoke bar or the Karaoke bar experience itself.

Usually, after the shameless and utterly embarrassing stunt I pulled with him, I would understand if the drive to the bar would have been an awkward one, but it was completely far from awkward, it was perfect. Fine, there was the first minutes of silence when he had to do the usual turn and reverse, but as soon as we started driving and he clicked on the Radio, and Tiwa Savage's 'Without My Heart' started playing, and he began to sing along, I knew I was in for the night of my life as I heard him sing line by line with Tiwa.

"You listen to Tiwa Savage?" I asked in surprise.

"Here'" he tossed his phone quickly at me. ", check my playlist and tell me what you see." He smiled. Naturally, I would not have taken him seriously, but there was something about the way I which he smiled that made me know that I was not going to be stepping out of line by confirming his words, So, I began scrolling through his playlist and my mouth flew open when I found all Tiwa's musical discography on his phone. He was not a fan; he was an air conditioner.

"O...M... GEE!" I choked in a crossroad of laughter and shock, "I have never even heard some of these songs on your phone." I laughed aloud, "I mean, I used to parade myself around as the 'biggest Tiwa fan in the world', back in the states, but this? Do you even listen to anyone else? I asked as I caught some other songs that led to more Tiwa songs.

I caught him laughing for the first time and my heart stopped for a second. I even had to look away to avoid looking stupid.

'Gosh!' I thought, 'Why am I even feeling this way? What is this feeling even called?' I thought to myself.

"I mean, you wouldn't believe it if I told you that this time 2 years ago, I wasn't even a fan of her, like, I hated her and her reputation cos I was one of those people who taught she was too old to be doing the kind of music she did."

"So, what changed your mind?"

"More like. Who." He chuckled and I noticed a look of hurt on his face, but it was only there for a second.

"Your ex?"

"What?" he asked, shocked. "How?"

"So, I was correct uh? You ex introduced you to Tiwa's goodness?"

"That's a way to put it." He chuckled. "To be honest, Tiwa is a very talented and hardworking woman, and It's so sad that Nigerian's like to underrate and compare her to every emerging female artist instead of keeping her in her place: Queen status."

"Here, have this." I gave him my hand and we bumped fists, laughing loudly afterward. "At least, she left you with enough heart to still love Tiwa." I laughed.

"Yes, she did." He smiled and I could tell that he wanted to talk about it so I pressed.

"Wanna talk about it? Don't say No please, I don't like pressing too hard." I teased.

"Oh! You do not? I mean, what then are you going to call what happened back there?" he snorted and busted into a fit of laughter afterward.

"TOUCHE! Nice one!" I threw my head back for a second before bumping him playfully on his shoulder as we both laughed. "Okay, seriously, what happened?"

"She died." He deadpanned and I was about to apologize with a sad look in my eyes when he threw his head back and laughed even louder, flaunting his pimples.

"You're one hell of a crazy young man." I said, this time hitting him even harder.

"Oh! I am crazy?" he asked, throwing me a knowing look.

"We're never going to recover from that experience, are we?" I laughed in mortification, looking away sadly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, didn't mean to hurt-"

"SUCKER!" I yelled at him and he paused for a second before he got in on the joke and punched me playfully.

"1-1 Abi?" he asked and I nodded playfully. After a minute of silence, I heard him say. "She got married to my elder brother last week."

"I'm not falling for that one this time." I snorted with a smile on my face until the look of hurt on his face initially appeared again and I felt so bad and sorry at the same time.

"Don't worry she broke up with me long before she did. Check my gallery, you will see that I was the best man at the wedding." He chuckled painfully.

"I... don't know what to say." I replied sadly.

"I do, what was that you called me, SUCKER!?, yeah, just call me that, cos that's how I feel." I gazed at me for a second before looking away with pain written all over his handsome face.

"Nope, she IS the sucker." I heard myself say and my heart rose again when I saw his lips curl up into a big smile as he nodded and said,

"Yes, she is."

Tiwa Savage

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