Chapter 2

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(Meeting up.)

I woke up the next day refreshed, but also still kind of tired, like always.
I checked my phone and it's 8:38
Ok, Alex is going to be here in 4-5ish hours.
So I got up got changed go to the bathroom, then keep cleaning.
Around 10 I deside to make breakfast and,
I got a text from Alex.
"Good morning, see you soon! ;3"

"Morning! Yeah see you soon:) I'll meet you at the airport:]"

"Ok, I can't wait to see you!"

You smile at the text
'he's so cute and sweet' you think.

"Yeah me too can't wait!"

I finished breakfast then clean the kitchen, it was really the only thing left to clean. Everything else was already spotless.

As I finished cleaning the kitchen I then had a shower and got dressed.
I put on a really cute outfit that looks great on me.
(Your beautiful no mater what body type! I Love you! ;} )

I grab my keys and my bag then headed off to the airport.
As I was driving to the airport I was listening to the radio, and think about Alex. Ones I arive at the airport and start walking in then I get a text from Quackity.

"Hey I should be landing in about 15."

"K im at the airport now just waiting:]"

I waited about 15 minutes then I started walking over to meet him.
I see as many people walk out but I can't see Alex anywhere.
Then my phone starts to wring and it's Alex calling.

"Hey where are you?"

"I'm near the exit doors"

"Oh wait. Y/n!-"

I heard him on the phone yell but I also hear it from across the room.
Then there he was running over to me.
And I run at him and jump into his arms, hugging him.
He was just taller then me so it was a comforting hug.
(Damn he probably loves being taller for one's lmao)
I step back looking into his beautiful brown eyes, getting a bit gapped out losing myself in his eyes.
Then he smirks.

"What are you looking at?" He says looking right into my eyes.

"Hmm? What nothing" I say looking down at his shoes then back at him. "Just your stupid cute face"

He makes a sad face then starts to fake cry holding his face with his hands.
"Pfff! Oh no don't cry." I say comforting him jokingly.

"You called my face dumb" He replied.

And all I can do is laugh a little bit more so he can't help but start to laugh with me.
After the laughing starts to soften
he looks up at me then looks at my outfit.
"Wow your even prettier in person."

I feel a little flustered then my face goes a bit pink from the comment. I push him softly he only took a small step back from the impact
"Pff shut up you do too!"
(I'm to lazy so pretend this isn't acquired lmao)
He comes with me to my car and I put some of his baggs in the trunk.
On the way to my house he tells me about the flight and how he mostly slept the way but was really excited that he will be able to see me in person for the first time.

When you's get to your house he looks over at me and thanks me for letting him stay at my house.
I tell him that it's ok and he doesn't have to thank me and it's your pleasure to have him there.
Then we walk inside insisting that I carry at least one of his bags, but he doesn't let me.
He only had two bags anyways.
As we walk into my house unlocking the door.  Alex and I both take off our shoes and I show him his new room also showing him the livingroom as we walk by.
After he puts his bags on the floor near the bed he takes a look around his new room. Then after I show him around the rest of the house giving him a tour.

He then goes back into his room and you follow. He then jumps onto the bed laying on his back and I walk over standing beside him.
"Do you like it?"

"Yes! This is so comfy"

"That's good" I say smiling.
He then sits up and grabs me by my waist and pulls me down to lay beside him.
We both laugh then I grab a pillow and I hit him with it.
He looks at me in shock, then smiled and grabbed another pillow and he hits me in the side of the head with it.
I gasp as I look at him laughing uncontrollably at me.
"You Dick head" I say then get up and pin him to the bed. Holding his shoulders down, I could see him feel a bit flustered then he went a bit red.

"Pff Alex? Are you good?"

He nodded "Yeah- yeah um I'm fine"
then I get off of him. Blushing a bit too..
*A while later after talking*
We both decide to watch a movie out in the living room I was sitting beside him. I look over at him and couldn't help but smile.
'He's just so cute.' You think to yourself.
*A little later in the movie*

I getting into the movie then I feel him move closer to me. As he moves close I felt his thigh touch my thigh then a couple second later I realize he didn't move it. But still I don't think much of it until I see him look over at you from the corner of your eye.

"Hello?" I ask jokingly.

"Do you want to do a quick streaming with me?" He asks.

"Umm... yeah sure."

I turn off the TV and go to his room. As I walk in I find him all really starting to turn on the stream I go get so me water for both of us.
As when I come back and sit beside him just more out of frame he starts the stream.
"Ok were just gonna wait till a couple more people to join until we really start" He tells me

*around 2mins pass*
"Ok I'm gonna start it now you ready?"

I give him a smile and a thumbs up. And he presses a button so chat can see and hear us.
"Hola! Hola chat!!" He smiles as people start saying Hi, Hello, and Hola.
"Guess what! I got someone here today...

Points to me as I come in frame then chat starts saying "Hi!" And just recognising Me from my channel.
"Hola chat!" And give a cute wave with both hands.

*About an hour later*

After reading some dono's and answering
Question stuff like that I see Alex look at me in the corner of my eye again.
"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just you've kinda taken over." He chuckles.

"Oh sorry, you could have said something" you replied

"No no it's fine."

I go back to looking at chat then read one saying.

YourMom's_lover619: You guys should kiss.

"What...Wait.. Chat come on. Alex did you see that?"

"Someone saying we should kiss"

Alex moves his char closer to you and you take a quick glance then look right at the stream again. Not making it anything.
After that I look over at Alex again then back at chat.
Then I feel his hand touch my thigh.
I look down then back at him.
I try not to make it obvious.
'What is he doing!?' You think.
Alex just keeps talking and reading more of chats questions.
And then he moves his hand up smoothly, closer to your iner thigh and up.
I go bright red and try to cover it up as
I move his hand away.
He then looked at me then just started laughing.

"He's lost it" I say then started laughing too.

After a little bit later Alex and I say our good byes to chat then he shuts off the stream.

As he shuts it off he looks at you.
"Well how did you like the stream?"

"It was really good, your very funny but I am kinda tired tho."

"Yeah me too" He says back.

"Oh! Why did you grab lm thigh earlier creep!?" You ask very confused.

"Oh yeah" He laughs "just wanted to see your reaction"

"Well I- I was really not expecting that. What if chat noticed? Fucking dumb ass"

"Well then I would have played it off as a joke"

"Your so stupid" I say joking but also kinda serious.
(That doesn't make sense... It's late ok..)

I said good night to Alex then I went to get ready for bed.

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