- Chapter 4: Overhearing -

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"Uuuugh, we looked EVERYWHERE.. where is old rags?!" Devil cookie complained "Jeez, it's like old rags already knew that we were gonna go annoy him." Strawberry crepe cookie said. It has been quite some time since Strawberry crepe and Devil cookie decided to go annoy Licorice, but he was nowhere to be seen.

A couple minutes later, Poison mushroom cookie cake into the room the two cookies were in. "Poison mushroom, have you seen old rags anywhere around here?" Strawberry crepe asked. "Weeeeellllllll... I overheard Dark Enchantress talking with him in our meeting room... I don't know why.. but she seemed reeeeeeaaaaally mad.." Poison mushroom said. Strawberry crepe cookie sighed in annoyance. "Of course she's mad.. she's always going on rants and speeches about her "master plans" or screaming at her workers! Way to make a cookie wanna quit their job!" Strawberry crepe said. "Heheh, yeaaah.. Hey, you guys wanna go sneak on their conversation?" Devil cookie said. "You read my mind." Strawberry crepe said. Devil cookie and Strawberry crepe cookie grabbed Poison mushroom cookie and ran off to where Dark enchantress cookie and Licorice cookie were.

The three cookies reached to the meeting room and looked through the crack of the door to see Licorice, Pomegranate, and Dark enchantress. "I CANT BELIEVE THIS! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TRUST YOU?!" Dark Enchantress yelled at the top of her lungs. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Licorice exclaimed. "OH I UNDERSTAND CLEARLY! YOU CAN'T BE TRUSTED WITH SIMPLE LITTLE TASKS!" Dark enchantress sighed silently. "Licorice.. this has happened countless times, you're almost on Dark Choco's level. If this keeps happening, I will have to take more drastic measures. Do I make my myself clear?" She asked. "Yes, Dark Enchantress.." Licorice said. "Then you may leave." Dark Enchantress said.

As Licorice left the room, the three younger cookies hid behind the door as Licorice walked the opposite way from where they were hiding. "Well.. it seems like Licorice is falling from grace." Pomegranate said, smirking a little. "QUIET! I don't want to hear it from you right now." Dark Enchantress said, angrily. "Wh.. what do you mean, master?" "Do you think I'm not aware of the tasks you've been failing to complete?! You may be my right hand cookie, but that does NOT mean I will accept these failed tasks!" Dark enchantress cookie said. "It seems we're also going to have a talk on how you've been doing as well, since you are also failing to do tasks as well.." Pomegranate looked down in shame. "Yes, master..."

"Ooooooh.. You know Dark enchantress is REALLY mad when she yells at Pomegranate.." Poison mushroom whispered. "I know! This doesn't happen too frequently..." Strawberry crepe joined in. "Wait.. this doesn't normally happen?" Devil cookie asked. "Barely at all! Pomegranate is normally a suck up to Dark Enchantress and does every single one of her tasks normally.. we barely ever see Dark Enchantress yell at her. And whenever she does, Pomegranate is in a deep state of sadness afterwards.." Strawberry crepe cookie whispered. "What on Earthbread are you guys doing?" A voice behind them said. When they turned around, they saw it was Licroice cookie. "You know if Dark Enchantress sees you three, you'll be forced into a conversation like I just had. Get outta here!" Strawberry crepe cookie and Devil cookie looked at each other. "You still wanna annoy him?" Strawberry crepe cookie asked. "Not really, I'm not really in the mood anymore..." Devil cookie responded. "Same here.."

Chapter 4, end

Anyway headcanon time: Dark enchantress is only slightly nicer to Pomegranate cookie and still goes very hard on her whenever she fails to please her
Uhhhhh yeah again sorry this took too long
If you have any suggestions for chapter 5 please let me know
that would be greatly appreciated and it could get chapters out faster
Anyway that's all I had to say byeeeeee

Evil little Imp // Cookie run kingdom fanfic [Pretty much discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now