I groaned sitting up from the couch I fell asleep on. After the club last night I took Melody home with me instead of dropping her at her place. I didn't feel like driving her drunk ass home anyway. She lives in our childhood home and it's far from where we were at so I just drove her to mine.
I had fun with her and her friends last night. She was dodging niggas the whole night and instead danced with Romero and Soren. I let some girl grind on me but shut it down when Mel was ready to leave. My priority was getting my sister home at the end of the night.
I didn't have the best relationship with Melly growing up. I was some odd kid that showed up one week to her. She came over every other week from her mom's house so we really didn't have a consistent thing going on. Not like me and Gio who have a strong relationship and always have. Around 16 is when it changed. She was 18 and I was comfortable with everybody so I talked to her and since then we've been close. We talked about why we weren't close and that we both wanted to change it so we did. She treats me like her little brother which I guess I am.
I walked into my room and saw her up under my cover with a pillow over her head. Her drunk ass thought she was a hot girl last night. After the fifth drink she was out. I took her dumb ass home and let her sleep in my bed.
"Adonis shhh." She mumbled rolling in my bed. "You're too loud." I glared at her ass before going back to searching for some clothes. I wanted to dress like usual, which is just some joggers with a white shirt but I also wanted to make a good impression. That nigga Romero think I'm just some hood nigga which maybe I am but I want him to think I'm not.
I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a black shirt. I decided to wear a few silver chains and my earrings with my black forces. I might have to beat a nigga ass today so I wanna be prepared. I might have to beat Romero's ass.
"Aye be out my bed by the time I come back." I called out Mel. She mumbled something before falling back asleep.
I took a long shower and got dressed after putting on lotion and cologne. I looked good but ain't nothing new with that. I know I'm a fine ass nigga that's why I be pulling bitches. I almost went home with somebody last night but I take care of Mel before anything. My siblings mean the world to me.
I watched Romero walk outside in slacks with a black button down. He had a few buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up. Soren was next to him in a similar outfit to mine except his was tight on his body. What was odd was the fact that Soren wasn't pressed against Romero and he had a serious look on his face. They probably got into it. I don't know how Soren puts up with Romero. I know I'd get into it with his ass all the time if I was with him.
"Good morning Clover." Romero smirked getting into my truck.
"It's Adonis or Don." I corrected him. He knows I hate that nickname. He's been calling me that shut since we were kids.
"You know I'm not calling you that." He shook his head.
"Romero." Soren's deep voice sounded from the back. "Call him Adonis."
"But Bunny-"
"No Bunny's, call him Adonis or what we discussed earlier will happen." Romero looked at his boyfriend with worry.
"Just for today." Romero turned around. He had a frown on his stupid ass face.
"Got him whipped huh?" I smiled. I looked in the rear view mirror at Soren. He had a dark expression on his face.
"Something like that." He mumbled. I looked away from his emotionless ass. He is completely different from the clingy nigga from last night who wouldn't let go of Romero. It must be our going to work.

Storie d'amoreAdonis has always hated Romero. Romero has always thought Adonis was rude. When Adonis is asked to help Romero with an job, they both realize maybe they were wrong about each other.