I watched Soren walk around the kitchen with nothing but tight black shorts on. Apparently he goes jogging three times a week and this is what he wears. Tight black shorts, a loose tee shirt and black gym shoes. I had just woken up and was getting water when he came back into the house. He was already shirtless when he stepped into the kitchen.
Soren had his back to me so I could see his ass being hugged by the shorts he was wearing. I'm not sure how a skinny nigga like him got that ass but it's perfect. Fuck, now I'm starring and thinking about another man's ass. I couldn't help wanting to squeeze it though. I also took note of the big ass tattoo of a skull with a snake going through it on his back. Under it had words in another language.
I have a few tattoos on my hands and arms but nothing that big. Romero has a few on his arms but they're all wording nothing like Sorens. It looks dangerous in some ways like you shouldn't fuck with him.
I didn't get a look for long because soon Romero popped into view. He took Soren in his arms and kissed his neck before moving to the refrigerator.
"Ew, Ro you're sweaty." Soren glared at him.
"I just worked out love. You're sweaty too, I didn't say ew." Romero shut the refrigerator. He turned his body towards me. Damn this nigga fit huh. I guess working out everyday does that.
Romero lifted a water bottle to his lips and started taking big gulps. I really didn't want to look but I couldn't stop. Since hearing them fuck and Romero talking about it I haven't been able to get them out my head. I know it's wrong and I don't even like men but damn I can't help it. It definitely doesn't help when they walk around shirtless or when I walk in and see Soren sitting on Romero's lap. The worst is when Romero catches my eyes and smirks or wink. It's like he knows I'm thinking about something I shouldn't.
I've been trying to stop thinking about them two but it's not working. Lately every time I have sex they pop into my head and it leaves me feeling horrible. I'm lusting after two niggas in a relationship and past my discomfort for them being men it's the fact that it's these two. I've known Romero for half my life and to me Soren is so innocent. I can't bring up my uncomfortable feelings because then Imma be the weird nigga who wants my roommates. I'm not even comfortable being with a nigga so why am I affected by them so much.
"Adonis." Romero waved his hand in my face.
"Huh." I snapped out of my daze and looked up at a smiling Romero. "My bad, what you say?"
"I asked, what we doing today? You spaced out, something on your mind?" He smirked.
"Oh, no. I got too high last night, must be feeling that shit still." I lied. With Romani as a father you can never be too high. "I'm taking y'all to a pick up and drop off. We grabbing some bags of money and counting them back at my office." Romero nodded and turned to Soren.
"What about your parents Sweet?" Soren eyes flashed with worry.
"Um, I can stay here and pick them up when it's time. I really wanted to come today though." Soren pouted. I looked away from him. He's really the problem for me. He's so adorable, I can't help wanting to make him smile.
"No Ren, we can get yo people before we do my thing. Actually if y'all want we can pick up some money right now, get Ren parents and make the drop later." I suggested.
"Full day of illegal activities, sounds fun." Romero smirked. He took his water bottle and walked out the kitchen. "I'm taking a shower. Bunny you can join me if you want. You too Clover." He placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Man fuck you." I pushed his hand off of me with a glare.
"I'm just playing." He laughed. "Unless." At my glare he laughed and walked away.

RomanceAdonis has always hated Romero. Romero has always thought Adonis was rude. When Adonis is asked to help Romero with an job, they both realize maybe they were wrong about each other.