Chapter 22

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I flicked the dumb ass ears on my head before sighing. I let Soren do anything to me because I'm always trying to make him happy. I can't say no to his cute begging face. Now I got lame ass dog ears on for Halloween.

I haven't dressed up for Halloween in years. My plans for today are usually getting high as hell and going to a party. Then I end up with women in my bed and that to me is a successful Halloween. I don't know what my partners got in store today but I will be getting extremely high and ending the night in bed with two people. So it won't be that different.

"You look so cute." Romero smirked walking in the room. He had on the same ears I did.

"Shut up." I frowned. "My dads are going to laugh at me."

"Tyrell laughed at me when he first saw me dressed up for Halloween. Last year me and Soren went as ketchup and mustard. When we got home though, he had whipped cream and strawberries out." Romero smiled. "He's going to make up for making us dress like dogs."

"He better because I feel like a fool."

Soren was dressed as a cat with ears and drawn on whiskers and nose. He looked adorable.

"You two look so cute." He hugged both me and Romero. "Thank you for putting them on. Later maybe you can chase the cat." He whispered. Oh he's definitely going to make up for it later.


"Trick or treat." Some little kids yelled at me.

"Happy Halloween." I gave them a bland smile. I don't like kids and this is not how I wanted to spend my Halloween.

The kids gave me a annoyed look and walked down the hall. Romero had all of us passing out candy with his dad. Melody was dressed as red riding and it was school appropriate until she left I'm sure. Asir was dressed as a mad scientist, he was already at work so this is nothing new for him. Bassir was dressed as a pirate and Tyrell, who had showed up but left was matching him.

"Move let me pass out the candy. Bland ass." Melody pushed me to the side. I gladly gave her the damn bowl. Man, fuck these kids.

"Thank you Adonis." Bassir smiled patting my back. "I know this wasn't on your plans for today."

"It's cool unc, it's not so bad if I'm back here away from the kids." I shrugged.

We were all putting together the bags Mel's handing out. It's was better than handing them out. I don't like kids, they give me the creeps. They nasty as fuck and so small.

"Asir you have an guest." Melody called out. Greg ass was standing at the door dressed as a prince. His baby girl was holding his hand dressed as a princess. I'll admit it's kinda cute.

"You want me to take you around while your daddy talks to me Asir?" Bassir asked taking the little girls hand. She nodded and they left out.

"Hey." Greg smiled walking into Asir arms. "You still coming over tonight?"

"Yeah, who would want to miss scary movies, candy, and weed." Asir smiled.

"You watching scary movies? The same nigga that cried on the butterfly scene from SpongeBob?" I laughed.

"Fuck you that shit was scary. I haven't looked at a butterfly the same since." Greg glared at me. Asir laid his head on Greg's chest. I looked at Greg with questioning eyes. He shrugged with a nod. I kinda of saw them making it official coming. Greg been gushing about Asir for awhile then he stopped for a few days then started up again. That let me know they were figuring it out.

"It's okay imma protect you." Asir smiled.

"No the hell yo high ass not." Melody said. "Remember that haunted house where all your reactions were delayed because you were high. If something happens to y'all Ace not going to notice till five minutes after."

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