Looming Thunder

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies
trains our future protectors.
Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.
Three who will become...
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
The call is on!
Their force is getting strong!
They'll have to brave the weather!
Ninja Storm! stand together!
The storm will grow!
Waters flow!
Power Ranger Ninjas Go!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)
is growing (growing)
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
With the speed of the wind!
And strength like thunder!
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!

Dustin and Paige are at the motocross track and Paige is ahead of Dustin as jumps over the hill getting air. "Yeah Dustin! Let's go Paige!" says Kelly, their boss and friend. "You ready?" says a rider dressed in crimson "Let's do it!" responds the navy rider. They both rev their bikes and head down to the track as Paige does another jump. Dustin comes behind her a few seconds later but behind him the two new riders can be seen. "Huh?" They both go around the corner becoming tied with Dustin but Paige increases her speed giving more distance between herself and them. They jump over several hills being in sync before Dustin loses time on one of his jumps causing the other two to pass him. Paige crosses the finish line getting a cheer from Kelly as the other two are right behind her. Dustin is the next one to pass the finish line and pulls over to Kelly and the Storm Chargers van. "Man you ever see those guys before?" "They ride like factory pros I would've remembered." "I'm just glad they don't race 1-2-5." "Hey where did Paige go?" "Said she had an appointment and took her bike with her." the two new racers pull off their helmets to reveal themselves before getting off their bikes "hey there how's it going?" "tracks a little soggy." said the one in the crimson gear "well it didn't seem to slow you guys down."
"Hey I'm Blake." "Nice to meet you." "my brother Hunter." "Hey."
"Well you you guys are brothers?" "Were adopted." "All right oh cool well my name is Dustin I I haven't seen you guys out here before where's the home track?" "Uh well we come down from.." "you wouldn't have heard of it." "Easy bro and he wonders why he don't have any friends. Hey listen you were pretty fast out there before almost caught up to the person who won."
"Yeah right man I must be giving up a couple seconds a lap to you guys."
"You are getting too much air on your jumps and it slows you down."
"He's right. Dark and brooding but right. Listen what you are doing now you want to follow us."
"Um, actually man, can I take a rain check? I gotta be somewhere."
"Yeah no worries. Next time." and Hunter walks away
"Yeah cool next time and I might also bring my friend who won the race so yall can meet."
Dustin is now in the woods dressed in his ninja attire "Hey Tori! Shane! Paige! Come on you guys. Man, don't tell me I miss training again. Paige and sensei are going to kill me. Why do I do this to myself? Come on you guys." Dustin hears a noise and turns around to see that a group of Kelzaks has appeared circling him and they start to fight. But Dustin becomes overwhelmed by Kelzaks who throw him a few feet away and have all their sabers pointed at him. Before an engine can be heard and here come three motorcycles with his friends on them firing lasers at all the Kelzaks. "Yeah awesome!" and all the Kelzaks start chasing after the rangers on bikes.
"Coming through!" "Whoa! Oh dude!"
"Hey Dustin." says Cam
"Hey man."
"You know I told these guys not to engage the enemy until all of the bikes were ready but of course Paige is the only one who ever listened to the guy with glasses."
"So dude what these are the Tsunami Cycles?" These are great! Yeah!" blasting more Kelzaks
"Man I thought our bikes were months off being ready." "So did I." "You got something for me?"
"No, should I?" "Oh come on, quit joking around man."
"No seriously I don't know what youre talking about."
"So so what what you're saying is the motocross guy is the only one that doesn't get a Tsunami Cycle." "All right, All right." and Cam pulls out a remote control.
"Meet your new mobile commander center." and here comes an eighteen wheeler and the back ramp goes down releasing a yellow Tsunami Cycle. "Check this out!"
"Oh dude!" "well put Dustin." "So anything I need to know?"
"Yea just make sure..." but Dustin has already run off to the bike "Why bother?"
Dustin gets on the bike and rides away to catch up with his friend "yeaah baby that's what I'm talkin about." "Guys wait up."
"Dustin you made it." says Shane and gives a thumb up to his friend
"These rocks!" "I know this is the best bike I have ridden on." says Paige
"Look, the freaks are back." as the Kelzaks run into the path in front of the rangers.
"Not going to be a problem," firing lasers at them "ohh love the lasers!"
"Take that you want to be a ninja." and a Kelzak goes to slash at her bike but then Paige sees "Hey watch the paint job buddy or you'll have to pay for it." "Bye-bye. Good bike." as a Kelzak is sent flying.
"Stopped on a dime or a Kelzak. Now this is what I call trail riding." Dustin does a jump with his bike and kicks them mid air. "No one messes with my bike! 250s here I come."
"Wow this is fun!" "That's what I keep telling you about motocross." "Yea I'm just warming up." "Too bad it had to be Kelzaks." "Not for long." "Let's go!" "Right on!" "Lead the way." all four bikes fire lasers off at the Kelzaks causing an explosion. All four rangers take the cycles back to their mobile command center. "Awesome!" says all rangers celebrating their victory. "Ninja Form."
"Hey guys."
Yo man." "sup Cam hey these bikes work pretty good."
"You know Shane you were lucky they still need some fine-tuning."
"Hey Dustin since you're a bike expert like Paige why don't you double check our work on the specs and see what needs to be adjusted. And don't try playing video games with it or something like you would do." as he throws Dustin his bookbag
"Okay dude you know I'm not like a complete doofus."
"Well here's your chance to prove it."
"Dustin I think everything is right but I just want another set of biker eyes to look at it."
"Well Paige, I bet that everything is going to be like over the top awesome!" as he puts his arm around her shoulder and brings her into a mini hug. "Hey listen guys I have to go help Kelly with something at Storm Chargers but I will see y'all all later. Bye Cam." and the group says bye to Paige and Shane turns to Dustin "Hey Dustin where were you today?"
"Uh-oh at the track man I met these two gus it's crazy crazy fast man I'm hooking up with them later."
"Yeah like whatever just remember what's important here." Dustin smiles before walking away.
In the forest the crimson and navy rangers step out from behind a tree "we've seen enough let's go." says Crimson and ninja streaks away.
"Let me guess your mission to capture the Tsunami Cycles has failed!" "It wasn't my fault the Kelzaks they failed." "Zurgane you're starting to sound like a bad movie, take a break, have a latte let's see what some fresh blood can do. Step forward thunder rangers."
"Thunder Rangers?"
"You know what I'm thinking?"
"That lip liner kind of makes you look like a lizard?"
"No pinhead, how much fun could we have?"
"Our plan to infiltrate the Rangers is on schedule, Lothor."
"I don't care much for schedules. You see, I am a results-oriented evil genius."
"Don;t rush us, we know what we are doing." says the crimson ranger
"How dare you speak to Lothor that way pow and show some respect."
"Listen while you're out there getting that latte could you bring me a nonfat one sugar caffeine." and the nieces laugh
"Oh oh see if they have those muffin tops they're sweet." "Why you?" says an angry Zurgane, going up to the navy ranger before Lothor separates them.
"How many times do I have to tell you there's no I in team." "Yes sir."
"Rangers go do what you have to but remember I won't wait forever."
"They are so yummy." "Yummy with a spoon."
The ground starts to shake "is it an earthquake?"
"I don't dig working with others but this is fun especially when it comes the power lunch." breaking some tubing causing the power to go out.
Turn on the backup generator."
"Thanks Thunder Rangers."
"It's some kind of subterranean disturbance this is not good." the ground starts shaking and the lights start to flicker. "Hey what's going on because I am not doing this." says Paige as she tries to stay on her feet. "It stopped."
"Seismographs are picking up some serious activity." "There's your reason why."
""That is one massive mole." "You mean one ugly mole."  Dustin runs in out of breath
"Sorry guys got hung up at the track."
"Well better late than never."
"He's at the quarry."
"On it, Ready!"
Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of Earth! Air! Water! The Elements!
"Whew what a thankless job destroying a city." and then was shot at
"Hey Mole head!" "Hey, don't dig what you've been up to." "yeah we are done with you shaking things up on us." "Oh yeah well I'm guessing by the spandex it's your job to stop me. Catch me if you can" the mole monster went underground disappearing from view. "Where did he go?" "You want to take a wild guess." "I think you can guess right on the first try." "Holy moley."  and the mole monster came out of the ground attacking the rangers before going back underground. "Going up, going down."Alright dig this dirt boy. Paige, are you ready?"
"Oh yeah I'm ready to get down and dirty!"
"Ninja dirt dive!" And both gold and yellow rangers went underground to fight the dirt monster. It could be seen from the dirt flying up that they were heading right towards each other. "Dustin! Paige!"
"Be careful." As the monster and the two rangers collide, the monster is thrown out back to the surface while Paige comes back up, slashing at the monster in the process. "That was down and dirty."
"You are going to pay for that gold ranger because Terramole is in the house! Watch and learn rangers cause I'm gonna trash your city from the inside out." The mole goes back underground before the rangers could react. "Hey wait get back here stop ah he got away." "He'll be back."
At Storm Chargers Dustin is talking to Hunter and Blake before Tori and Shane walk in. "Hey you guys cool you finally get to meet! Shane Tori Hunter and Blake." "Hey how's it going?" "Pretty good" "Good." "Dustin's told us a lot about you." Commented Hunter. "But not everything." Said Blake as he looked at Tori. Dustin changed the subject by asking Shane and Tori a question
"Hey where is Mana? I promised I would introduce these two to the winner of the race."
"Oh well she forgot something from the van and had to go back and grab it." Said Tori but as soon as she finished her sentence Paige walked through the door looking at something in her hands completely not paying attention. "Hey Paige!" Said Dustin this caused Paige to quickly look up to smile at her friend in yellow before noticing the two other people. Paige dropped what was in her hands and looked like she had seen a ghost while the brothers had a shocked look on both of their faces as well. The other three just stood there looking between the three friends trying to figure out what was going on as time stopped for them. Paige was the first one to break out of her shock and launched herself at the two boys with tears rolling down her face. The two boys held the girl tights not knowing if she would disappear if they let go. Blake and Hunter finally released Paige and once they did she gave them both individual hugs holding on to Hunter a little longer than Blake (not that anyone noticed). However Blake was the only one that noticed that when his brother and friend hugged they each had a colored aura as they embraced Hunter's being crimson and Paige's being golden. "Hold up wait Paige, how do you like already know Hunter and Blake." Said Dustin "These are another two of my childhood friends." Said Paige as she wiped away her tears and Hunter pulled her into his side for more support. "These are the Hunter and Blake that you mentioned?" Said Shane before being elbowed by Tori who understood who this was by Paige's red face. "Hey a Dustin, you got a minute?" "Yeah yeah man." And the two walked to the side while Tori and Paige talked to the brother's. "Hey you were supposed to be back at Ninja Ops."
"Yeah I know man um these guys showed up and we started checking out these bikes and I don't know I space." "Sensei not happy he's doing that thing with his nose again." "Oh great okay um come on Tori, Paige I gotta go see you guys." "Yeah, catch you later Tori." "See you later Paige."They walked out but Paige stopped Dustin while Shane had to walk back inside. "Dustin, I already let Cam and his father know I would join you later and they said it was okay." Paige said, trying not to reveal anything to those around them. "Okay go hang out with your boyfriend and his brother Mana." which only resulted in a blushing mess of their friend beside them which caused the two friends to laugh. Paige decided to walk back in the shop as Shane was walking back out saying goodbye to her friends. Shane had overheard the brothers talking "oh boy that Tori is fine and I can't believe we finally found Paige." "Yeah question is why do they hang out with a goof like Dustin?"
"Who knows, maybe they like doing charity work." Said Blake and Shane walked back outside and decided not to tell Paige since they were her friend and crush. Paige walked back in and ran over to the brothers hugging them once again. "I was so  scared that something had happened to you both  when I couldn't contact either of you."
"We are so sorry sunshine we didn't mean to worry you." Said Hunter as Blake gave her a comforting smile. All three went over to the couches and watched some tv and caught up while Paige cuddled into Hunter's side and he held her protectively and kissed her head lovingly causing her to lean into him more. Blake sat on the other side of Paige as they held hands because he had missed the girl who was basically his little sister. Looking at his brother and "sister" he shook his head not understanding how two people that were so much in love could be so oblivious.
The other three rangers were back at Ninja Ops and Dustin was finishing up 100 push-ups with Sensei on his back as his punishment for earlier.
"98,99,100 maybe now you will learn the importance of punctuality." as Dustin finished his push-ups and laid down. "And you'll have really nice pecs." Said Tori with a giggle.
"Yeah uh Dustin can I talk to you a sec?"
"Okay dude look I'm sorry I'm just..."
"Hey uh how well do you know Hunter and Blake? I mean they come out of nowhere and suddenly they're your best friends."
"Dude it's it's a motocross thing and apparently they were friends with Paige before me and I mean you've got these skater bros that you hang out with and they are total power and always mess with Paige and we don't say anything plus Paige can take care of herself." and Dustin starts to walk out of Ninja Ops when Shane speaks up "Yeah well at least I know what's important here. Look ever since you've been hanging out with these guys man your priorities totally messed up."
"Dude, that's crazy man come on back me up here Tori. Everyone in Ninja Ops remains quiet. "Oh come on man listen I I admit I've been a bit of an airhead latel.."
"Listen, it's not chess club. We're talking about the end of the world here. Do you even get that?"
"Sensei a little help here." "You can only help yourself Dustin with your actions not your words."
"You know what, I can't believe this. Going riding with Paige since she cares."
Dustin is on the track trying to get his time faster with the pointers that Blake and Hunter have given him. "Oh cleared it no problem that time."
"You keep that up and you may be ready for 250s." Said Hunter as he had his arm wrapped around Paige with a happy look. "Yeah I'd remember this moment." "You know what it's been really cool hanging with you guys it's hard to find people who actually get what you're into you know besides Paige." and Paige gave him a reassuring smile.
"I heard that." and the earth started to shake underneath them causing all the boys to try to stay standing while Hunter held on to Paige to make sure she wouldn't be hurt. Dustin ended up falling to the ground as part of the ground rose up.
"Dustin, are you okay? " said Paige as she was concerned for her friend in yellow. "Yea I'm okay Paige." Smiling at his friend's concern.
"What was that?" said Blake as they helped Dustin off of the ground. "I don't know, weird huh?"
Dustin and Paige's communicators had gone off but Paige was able to hide hers. "Hey freaky watch, does that have a compass?" Questioned Hunter as he grabbed Dustin's wrist. Dustin pulled away his wrist and responded to the brothers "Yeah it's got a bunch of cool stuff I'll show you sometime. Actually I got to head off."
"Me too you guys my dad needs some help with the new house." Said Paige as she kissed Hunter's cheek and hugged Blake. "Okay Paige we will see you later." Both boys let her go knowing not to mess with Paige. "Heyyy how come you always have to bail?"
"Ya Dustin do you want to ride like a pro you gotta practice like one right?"
"Come on, let's see if we can shave a few seconds off your time." "Come on Dustin." "You know what guys I really gotta go." "Wait." And Blake picked up Dustin's book bag that he had dropped during the earthquake.
Tori Shane and Paige are in their ranger form looking for the monster. "Where is he?" " Maybe he is underground?" "Found him. Shane,Paige!" Yells Tori as she is pulled underground. "Let her go!"
"Hold on Tori." "Shane!" But the monster quickly let go of Tori and grabbed Shane and threw him will Paige ran at him attacking him with her earth powers. While the mole monster was sent flying Paige ran over to check on her teammates. "This guys tough." "Where's Dustin?" Said Paige's teammate's as she stood in front of them blocking them from the mole. "That airhead his ranger days are over." "Hey you do not get to talk to Dustin like that!" Said a very upset Paige and was about to attack the mole before she heard another voice. "Hey we're the only ones that can call him an airhead." "Yeah!" Said Shane and Tori as they joined Paige to fight the monster for being rude to their friend. Dustin is running up towards the battle "Can't believe I got stuck in traffic hope I'm not too late. Oh man!" Dustin sees all three of his friends get shocked by lightning sending them to the ground weakened. "Guys hang on. Back off mole." Dustin pulls out his Lion hammer ready to fight the mole.
"Dustin!" "Dude." "I knew you would make it!"
As Dustin takes a swing at the mole he goes back underground "You can't hide forever." Looking at the ground beneath him waiting for the mole to pop back up. "Lion hammer time!" Dustin takes his hammer and starts hitting the ground multiple times trying to get the mole back to the surface. Paige comes over and tries to use her elemental powers to force him to the surface as well.
"Dustin cut that way too close. I was sure he wouldn't show." "Observe, his actions will show his dedication."
"How's this for a Big Bang ready?" And both him and Paige use their attack of powers and hammer forcing the mole up to the surface.
"Ha yeah!" "Awesome!" "Great teamwork!" As all the rangers high-fived each other.
"You know what I'm thinking!" "Sonic Finn!"
"Hawk Blaster!" "Lion Hammer!" "Manatee Bow and arrows!" "Elemental Storm Striker!"
"Take this!"
"100 tons of fun." Said Dustin as the blast created a 100 ton ball and the rangers dropped it on the monster causing him to be destroyed. "Oh yeah! Awesome!" Celebrated the rangers.
"Was it this one. Okay I know one of these turns him big." Said Marah on Lothors ship pushing buttons on the alien manager. "Are you through huh?" Says Kapri as she takes the device and hits the buttons to make the monster grow.
"Can you guess who the mole is now?" Says the mole monster as it grows. "Cam you know the drill!" says Dustin signaling Cam to send the zords. "Ninja Zords!" Says the three rangers as they jumped into their zords while Paige stayed on the ground out of the way. "Ninja zord formation." Causing the zords to form into one big megazord.
"Storm Megazord!"
"Time to lay some groundwork." Says the mole monster as he dives into the ground. He pops back up and attacks the megazord before returning back underground. "He's too fast." "Gone again." "Lightning Megazord Engage!" The megazord shifting into a slimmer megazord. "Looking for me?" Says the mole as he knocks the megazord off its feet but gets back up and goes to attack but the mole goes underground. "Going down" says the mole who pulls down the rangers again. "Again with the digging thing." "He's a mole Shane, that's what they do." "Come on guys you got this." Says Paige as she returned to Ninja Ops to be out of the rangers way. "Power down and I will send something that'll help." Says Cam as he smiles at his friend. The mole returns to the surface as the rangers return to their original form. "Downloading power sphere four." "Right on! Got it, let's see if we can hit a jackpot. Inserting power disc now." "Ram hammer deploy!"
"Oh it's time for me to hit the dirt." As the mole dives into the ground. "Think again chump." Says Dustin as he hits the ground with the hammer. The mole flies up from the ground and lands on his back. "Hammer time!" Using the power of the hammer to destroy the mole. "Yeah we did it!" "Thanks to Dustin he rocks!" "Yeah no worries anytime."
At the track there is Dustin making a jump on his bike. He pulls to a stop but sprays Tori and Shane in dirt. "Thanks for the shower."
"Yeah sorry. So what did I look faster?" "You're ripping bro. Hey uh where's Hunter and Blake I figured they be here." "Yeah I don't know probably with Paige at Storm Chargers or I guess they had better things to do than just hang out with a goof like me huh." "Hey some of the stuff before I didn't mean you weren't committed."
"I know." "Yeah you're a great ranger, a flake but a great ranger." "Thanks guys. I also think we should not tell Paige about Blake and Hunter since she is really close to them."
"Agreed especially with how she feels about Hunter." "Anyway let's go gear up if we're going to be riding these tsunami cycles we better be ready."
"All right!" "Let's do it." "Okay man." "Alright let's go."
"In the distances is the two thunder rangers
"Have fun while you can." "You have no idea what's coming."
After finishing her shift at Storm Chargers Paige headed home. "Hey Dad, I'm home." Said Paige as she walked into her apartment that she shared with her dad to see her father and her uncle Tommy sitting on the couch. "Oh hey uncle Tommy what are you doing here?" "Well I'm here because there is something that we wanted to give you." Curiously Paige walked over and sat down to tell her what they both had to say. "Paige you are well aware of our power ranger history so you know the strength and power this gift comes with. All of your aunts and uncles used a little of what ranger energy they had to help get this working for you because we would feel better knowing you are better protected. I hope you like it." Said Jason and Tommy pulled out a golden necklace and gave it to Paige, taking it from her uncle Paige looked down at the necklace to see a gold coin connected to the chain. The symbol on the coin looked to be a dragon footprint. With a questioning look Paige looked to the two men "Is this what I think it is?" "Yes this is the green power coin." "We know how dangerous it can be as rangers and even though we trust you and your team that doesn't mean a little extra power will hurt." Said Jason smiling at his daughter. "So what kind of power is this coin going to give me?"
"Well it will not make you the rangers but it will be able to give you the Dragon Shield and the Dragon Dagger which can summon the Dragon zord."
"This is so awesome! Thank you both so much." Said Paige as she slipped on the necklace before hiding it under her shirt and hugging the two men.
"We love you Paige and hope the power protects you."  Said Jason
"Tell everyone how appreciative I am for this. Well I am going to go to bed early training in the morning. Night." "Night."
"I hope that helps give her team the boast needed to defeat Lothor."
"Yeah hey man you know we will all be there to support her." Said Tommy looking at his friend.
"I know but it still worries me but I don't think I will ever stop worrying." And the two men say their goodbyes as they each go their separate ways.

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while but I am going to try and get some more episodes posted soon. Hope you enjoy!

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