A Ranger's Journey

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies
trains our future protectors.
Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.
Three who will become...
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
The call is on!
Their force is getting strong!
They'll have to brave the weather!
Ninja Storm! stand together!
The storm will grow!
Waters flow!
Power Ranger Ninjas Go!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)
is growing (growing)
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
With the speed of the wind!
And strength like thunder!
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!

At the Scott house Paige and Jason were getting ready to go to the commander center. "All right sweetie, have you got everything you need." "Yes dad I got extra clothes, and essentials, as well as my morpher, the green power coin, and emergency communicator." "Good we are fixing to leave." Said Jason as he smiled at his daughter. "So how are we getting there? Because I can use a teleportation spell if you want" Said Paige "Don't worry about it I got everything worked out." Said Jason before he held up his wrist which had a red and gold communicator with black detailing "All right we are ready." Said Jason into the communicator and two lights  were teleported one being Paige that was gold and the other was Jason with a mix of his ranger colors. In a minute the father and daughter landed in the rebuilt command center or known to some as the power chamber. Now Paige had been here before but mostly only when there was a ranger team's final battle so that her and her family would be safe. Her aunt and uncles wanted to make sure that if anything went wrong they could be sent backup from the former rangers. But this would be the first time she had been back into the commander center since she had become a ranger. Paige could feel the connection to the Morphin grid even more than she had ever felt before. Looking around she saw there was another person in the room and smiled once she saw who it was. "Uncle Billy!" Says Paige as she ran and gave her uncle a hug. "Hey kid, how are you?"
"I'm better now that I get to see you. What are you doing here?" "Honey, you didn't think that we could use the commander center without letting Billy know he is the one who funded most of the rebuilding." Said Jason as he smiled at his daughter. "Right of course, thank you for letting me use the space." "Of course Paige if it can help you and your team you know the commander center is always open." "Thank you uncle Billy." Said Paige before walking off to find an open spot that she could meditate that would allow room for her powers if they acted up. Paige sat down on the ground before closing her eyes trying to connect with her spirit animal and Morphin grid. After a few minutes she was pulled into a solid white room. "Hello?" "Greetings gold ranger." Said a voice turning around Paige saw the person she had only heard of in stories. "Zordon?" Asked Paige "Yes Paige it will be a great honor to meet you." "Meet me I have wanted to meet you my whole life. You are the reason my dad became a ranger. You are the reason that I have such an amazing family." And Zordon chuckled and the girl before him "No need to thank me child, it was your father's destiny just as it was yours." "Thank you Zordon." Said Paige who was honored to have met the legendary Zordon. "But Zordon I thought you were destroyed when uncle Andros destroyed your energy tube." "This is true but I will never truly be destroyed as I am connected to the Morphin grid and I live in the hearts of those who fight against the forces of evil, people like you. We have been watching over you and you have made us proud." "We?" Questioned Paige "Hey pumpkin." "Hello Master Tee." Said two voices behind Paige. "Mom, spirit of the Manatee." Said a shocked Paige looking at three creatures who made her who she was today. Paige runs to her mom and hugs her tightly. "Mom, I missed you so much. I'm so sorry. You died because of me." "No sweetheart, it was not your fault. I wasn't going to let you get taken by any force of evil." Said Sarah, Paige's mom (original character) as she sipped away her daughter's tears. Paige looked to the side to see the spirit of the Manatee "Hello Mana it's nice to see you again." "As it is so Master Tee." Said the spirit "I told you to call me Paige Mana." "Paige we are all proud of you and everything you and your time have done so far." Said Sarah. "We all want to help you in your journey to protect the earth." And Paige nodded at her mother before turning to Zordon. "Paige you are a legendary warrior who will be known as the most powerful warrior to protect the earth with this knowledge the masters of the Morphin grid have given me permission for the three of us to give you a boost of power that will help you not only in battle but discover where your zord is located." "We will always be there for you in moments of doubt Tee." Said Mana. "Sweetie, before we give you the boost I should let you know that those evil forces are still looking for you, not just Lothor. Please be careful." "Of course mom. I love you." Said Paige as she hugged her mother."Love you too Mom." "Oh one more thing Tee the other animal spirits wanted me to tell you that they approve of the crimson ranger. More about your relationship will be revealed soon." Said Mana causing Paige to blush thinking about Hunter but confused on what she was talking about but didn't have much time to think about it before Zordon got her attention. "Gold ranger it is time. Stand on the golden spot on the ground so the transfer may begin." And Paige began to move to the golden circle on the floor that had a lot of symbols on it, some she recognized and some she didn't. Paige recognized her elemental ninja symbol, the symbol of the mystics, and her animal spirit but not the others. After stepping on the circle the white room gained a faint golden glow to it. "Now with the power of the Morphin masters, the animal spirits, and good ninjas everywhere ignite the inner power of Paige Rose Scott Gold Elemental Ninja Ranger."said Zordon as Paige's body turned into a blinding gold color while her eyes became solid gold.
With Jason and Billy
"So do you know why her Sensei recommended for her to go on a meditation journey?" Said Billy as he was doing some updates to the console. "She told me it was to help find her zord. But I feel like there is something she is not telling me." Said Jason "Jas you remember how it was there so many secrets you have to keep as a ranger. It's hard to remember what secrets you can tell and who you can tell them too. Besides maybe it's not as much of a secret but it's how to bring it up to you." Said Billy patted Jason on the shoulder. The next few minutes were spent with the two friends just making casual conversation before they heard Paige start to talk. "Zordon?" Said Paige and the two former rangers looked at each other at the mention of their former mentor. "Do you think she has really contacted Zordon?" Said Jason looking at Billy " theoretically his spirit could have become part of the Morphin grid." Said Billy as he did a scan of Paige to make sure she was okay. "Her vitals look okay but I will keep a check on them." "Thanks Billy." But what really shocked the two was what they heard next "Mom, spirit of the Manatee." Billy looked to Jason to see tears in his eyes at the mention of his wife. What broke Billy and Jason's hearts further was the fact that Paige was crying and kept apologizing to her mom. Paige had stopped crying and seemed to have calmed down and the two men just sat there not knowing what to do for the girl. But the issue came when the alarm of the command center started going off. Billy and Jason rushed to the console to see what the issue was. "What's going on?" "There has been a spike in power from the Morphin grid." Said Billy "I'm tracking down where the energy is coming from." But both men got their answer when Paige became surrounded by a golden light. Paige gasped and her eyes opened but you could not see her eyes. They were solid gold. The spike in power caused her other powers to start appearing around the room. From her animal spirit roaming the room, different balls of different elements, to multiple magical spells being performed the two men didn't know what to do. The two men also had no idea why they had flashed gold. "She never ceases to amaze me." Said Jason looking at how much power his little girl truly has.
Paige is becoming overwhelmed by the amount of power that they had gifted her. The stream of power slowed down and the golden light slowly faded. "Wow, that feels amazing. It feels like the spirit of every ranger that has ever lived is flowing through me." Said Paige as she looked down at her hands. "Use the power wisely." Said Sarah as Mana came over and touched Paige's head and then her heart "You have the knowledge of your zords location within you. Go find your zord." "And Paige." "Yes Zordon." "Let the power protect you." Paige smiled "thank you for all you three have done for me." Said Paige before hugging her mom and Mana,before nodding to Zordon. "Go ahead sweetie I know you want to say it." Says Sarah to her daughter. Paige's smiles before she says "Back to Action!" Says Paige as she was brought back to the real world. 
The burst of her powers had stopped as well as the golden glow. Billy was checking her vitals to make sure she was okay since the burst of powers. "Her vitals are perfectly fine. And by the looks of it she should be out of her meditation in a few minutes." "Thank you Billy." Said Jason as he watched his daughter. A minute later Paige gasped and was awake from her meditation. Jason rushed over to Paige trying to calm her down and let her know she is safe. "Dad?" "Yeah baby you're okay now." "I saw her dad, I saw mom." "I know sweetheart it's okay." Said Jason as he held her close letting her calm down. After a few minutes Paige had calmed down enough to stand up and walk over to her uncle so he could check her out. "Well I checked out as much as I knew but I'm not a medical doctor so your father and I called your personal doctor." Said Billy as a pink light teleported into the commander center. "Aunt Dana!" Said Paige as the woman walked over giving the girl a soft hug before checking her over for injuries. "Well Paige it looks like everything checks out. Your body might feel a little weak from the strong amount of power you experienced but you should be okay." Said Dana
"Thank you Aunt Dana." "Of course sweetie." Said Dana looking at her niece before looking at Jason "I assume that the flash of gold that the light speed rangers just experienced has something to do with her. Let me know if she feels bad and I'll come back okay?" And Jason nodded before Dana teleported out of the command center. "Paige, are you okay?" Questioned Billy "I'm fine uncle Billy. It was just a lot of power." "Baby girl, could you tell us what happened?" Asked Jason. So Paige started to explain everything that happened while she was meditating. But Paige stopped and looked at her dad with tears in her eyes "Dad I'm sorry I haven't been honest with you this is not the first time I have seen mom's spirit since becoming a ranger. About a week ago we found out who the evil rangers were. They were my friends from the thunder ninja academy. They had been manipulated by Lothor believing that Sensei had destroyed their parents as well as my mom. You know how protective my friends are so they took me with them so that I could learn the truth. But in the end they learned that Lothor had destroyed their parents. They were so heartbroken." "What did you find about your mom?" Said Jason. "Well I found out that she died protecting me from Lothor and some other evil forces." "Oh baby it's not your fault you know that right?" "But she was destroyed because of me." "Your mom knew what she was doing when it happened. She would never let anyone else get hurt. Which sounds like a certain niece of mine." Said Billy "Thank you Uncle Billy. Thank you too Dad." "Of course sweetie." "Can we start the search for my zord please." "Yes we can." Said Jason "come on I'll help you." said Billy as he walked over to the console trying to locate the Manatee zord. "I have an idea." Said Paige as she held her hand over the console and used some of her golden energy to help locate her zord. "That did it pulling up coordinates now." Said Billy as Paige smiled and looked at her father. "Pulling it up on the viewing globe now." And the three turn to see the Manatee zord in an cave on the beach."Look at it! It's amazing!" Said Paige staring at her zord with aw. "It looks like it's located near the coast of Florida." Said Billy "Of course it would be on the opposite coast that we are, no wonder we didn't find it." Said Paige with a sigh "Hey it's okay Paige we will go first thing in the morning. I think you deserve a good night's rest after today." Said Jason as Paige looked down at her watch to see how late it truly was. "Wow I wasn't aware it was that late. I'm going to go lay down. Night Dad! Night uncle Billy!" "Night Paige." "Night sweetie." Said the two men as Paige walked off to the rooms where rangers would sleep if they needed to stay overnight. "Hey thanks again man, this means a lot." "It was no problem Jason as long as I know that she is protected I think that will help everyone's nerves." Said Billy as he was fixing the consoles before going to bed. "Right man." Said Jason as he helped Billy before they both went to bed. 
In the morning Billy had gone and cooked some food in the kitchen that was now a part of the Power chamber. "Man Billy, it has been a while since I have your cooking." Said Jason who just woke up. "Well I knew that you and Paige are going to need the energy for finding her ninja zord." Said Billy and the two men just fell into a comfortable silence. A few minutes Paige walked out still looking tired from the massive power boost but not as bad. "Hey Dad, Uncle Billy." "Good morning Sweetie, your uncle fixed you some breakfast." Said Jason as he gave his daughter a kiss on her head. "Thank you Billy." Says Paige digging into the plate that was set in front of her. "You're welcome." After Paige has finished her breakfast and changed into a fresh set of clothes. "I'm ready Dad." Said Paige with all of her belongings now packed join her bag. "All right I am teleporting you to the general location you two will have to get yourselves there the rest of the way. Good luck!" Said Billy as the father and daughter were teleported onto a beach on the Florida coast. "Good nobody is here." Said Paige before looking around to see the beauty of nature around her. "Come on sweetie, let's look around." Said Jason as they walked into the wooded area above the beach. Once they find an open area in the woods they set there stuff down " I think I am going to try contacting my zord through my animal spirit." Said Paige looking towards her dad who nodded. "Spirit of the Manatee I call upon your guidance to the elemental ninja zord." After a minute Paige heard her father gasp and opened her eyes to see the area where her heart is located glowing gold. "Whoa!" And when she took a step away from the beach the light got dimmer. "Cool We follow the light and it will lead us to the Manatee zord." Said Paige excitedly as Jason smiled at his daughter's happiness. "Dad, come on." Said Paige dragging her father in the direction of the beach. Paige continued to follow the light as it kept getting brighter until they came upon a cave in the beach. "Dad this might be it."
"Alright Paige but we still need to be careful." As the two go to enter the cave a guard dressed in ninja attire appeared. The two Scott's both got into defensive positions "Welcome Rangers there is no need to be on edge we are simply the protectors of the mighty Manatee zord. This zord is Destin for the Elemental gold ranger." "That would be me." Said Paige stepping forward. "While this may be true you are aware that many have made this claim through the years. A series of tests that only a true elemental ninja could complete. "Of course I understand." "Wait sweetheart are you sure about this?" "Dad, I have to do this. I can't let my team down or let Lothor win." Said Paige as she walked towards the guard. "Now the first challenge is the elements of the wind ninja academy. First we shall test your wind powers by simply flying through the air. Second we shall test your power of water with the creation of water that will fill the well. Third, for earth you must use your power to help grow a dying tree. After that is done with the power of the thunder ninja academy you must catch a lightning bolt that is thrown at you and release it with no harm to anyone including yourself. With the power of ice freeze the well that you created and use your fire powers to unfreeze it. Once all this is complete there will be one final task you must complete." Every task asked of her Paige was able to complete. She first made herself fly through the air and for added proof she made her father fly too much to his disapproval. Then Paige was able to fill the well that was being used by the ninjas with water and even used her powers to calm the waves of the ocean. Next was earth and with the use of water and earth she was able to grow a whole garden of plants nearby the cave. This was followed by a ninja from the thunder academy coming out and charging up a ball full of lightning before throwing it at Paige. The ball was caught with ease and after tossing in the air a few times she released it into the sky releasing the energy throughout the atmosphere. Paige walked back over to the well from earlier and froze the water that filled the well. After she was certain it was fully frozen she used her fire powers to thaw the well of water. "Well done gold ranger you have proven that you are ready for the final task." Before the guard could go on, a group of Kelzaks came down and were ready to stop Paige. Paige got into a defensive position before fighting the Kelzaks. One by one each one of the Kelzaks were taken down quickly, efficiently, and with grace. But when Jason went to go help his daughter he was held back by the ninjas as they watched Paige fight. As the last of the Kelzaks ran off defeated, the ninjas bowed to Paige. "It is truly you, the legendary gold ranger, we are honored to be in your presence." Said the ninja who had greeted her when she got there. "I don't understand that was the final test." "Well normally a group of ninjas assigned to defend this cave would fight you but you were willing to protect those ninjas and everyone here even though it was not a fore sure that you had earned the zord yet. Only the true gold elemental ranger would do such an action. The zord is yours." And the guard led Jason and Paige to the door that had an image of a manatee and images of all the elements. The guard respectfully bowed and left the two to themselves. "Look sweetheart you did it. Your mother would be so proud." Said Jason as he came up and hugged his daughter. After Paige was finished hugging her father she walked to the door and as she touched the handle the whole cave lit up gold and showed the legend of the true gold ranger achieve the tasks and gaining access to the manatee zord. Turning the doorknob Paige was in awe of a zord that was gray with gold detailing. "Wow you're beautiful." Said Paige to her zord. "It's amazing." Said Jason "Come on dad let's get this zord back home." Said Paige "Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of the Elements!" And Paige was now dressed in her ranger form and jumped into the Manatee cockpit with her father. Paige started to drive the zord home while Jason contacted Billy "Hey Billy we are on the way back with the ranger families newest zord." "That's awesome! Ms. Fairweather is on her way to help look at the schematics with me and compare them to the DragonZord to see if there is a way for their powers to combine." "Thank you Uncle Billy, we will be back soon." About 30 minutes later the manatee arrived on the west coast and found an empty underwater cave that could be used to store her zord before both Paige and Jason returned to the Commander center. "Ms. Fairweather, it's good to see you." Said Paige as she hugged the women. "It's good to see you as well." "We compared the schematics of both zords and it looks like your power disc may be able to unlock a power sphere that will allow both the Manatee zord and the Dragonzord to become the Elemental Megazord." And on the viewing globe there was a computer estimate of what her megazord would look like and it looked powerful. "Wow! So once Cam unlocks the power sphere for me I can create this Megazord?" "From what we can tell yes." Says Ms. Fairweather "This is great!" Says Paige as she hugged both Billy and Ms. Fairweather. "Well I have got to go but if your friend Cam ever needs any help let me know." Said Ms. Fairweather as she teleported out of the Commander Center. "Well it's been a long day and I know you are tired so go to bed and you can go back to your team in the morning after a good night rest." Said Jason seeing his daughter trying to suppress a yawn. "Okay night dad, night uncle Billy." "Night Paige." "Night sweetheart."
"So did everything truly go okay?" "She handled it like the true warrior she is and like a true ranger would. It was nice to see her action and that she still knows how to protect herself. But I will always worry about her." "Well I don't think you would be a good father if you didn't." As Paige was laying down she heard the voice of her mother "Well down my little girl." Which left Paige with a smile on her face.

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