chapter one * eno retpahc

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I sat at the back of class, headphones in drawing on my textbook. History was a bore, I mean they're all dead why do I have to learfn about them? Besides, when am I ever going to use this information in real life? Useless facts on a date? Yeah, that'll get me a girl.

"Alexander!" the high pitched voice of my history teacher Ms Clarkenson rang through the class, I snapped my head up to look at her. She was ancient, and wore those cat eye glasses from the 80's. "Yeah?" I muttered, annoyed she had called on me.

"What did I just say" she snapped, I looked around, I didn't even know which page I was meant to be on let alone what I was learning today. I didn't even want to be at school today but 'mum' said I needed an education, yeah right. She dropped out of school when I was born, she was what, oh. 15. I continued glancing around, in hope to see if someone had the page open "well Mr Blue?!" she asked, getting impatient.

"I..I don't..." i was cut off by the school principle walking in, a boy following behind him.

"Ms Clarkenson" he said nodding his head towards her.

"Mr Smith" she said, glancing at the boy behind him "and who may this be?" she asked a look of distaste on her face. I couldn't see his face but he has longish choppy hair and wore jeans and what looked to be a ghost town band shirt. He glanced at the floor a lot, and moved his feet around alot, scuffing the floor slightly.

"This Ms Clarkenson is Michael. He is new here and will be in this homegroup" he said, motioning for Michael to introduce himself to the class.

The stranger turned and looked at the class, his eyes flickered around and he blushed bright red. When suddenly his eyes landed on me, all the way in the back of the class and he seemed to settle. "I uh- I'm Michael.. I'm uhm.. from uh Florida.. and I uhm.. I hope I can make some friends" he stuttered, turning red.

"Lovely" Ms Clarkenson said, clearly already decided she didn't like Michael "Alex" she piped, I looked up and smiled, "Alex would you please look after Michael here for the day?" she said, not allowing me to answer. "Fantastic, Michael, Alex sits in the back; Alex please raise your hand" I raised my hand, and waved it around a little bit, just to make sure he saw me.

Michael looked around and spotted my hand, and smiled before bowing his head swiftly walking to the back of the class and sitting in the empty desk next to me.

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