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This is based on my imagination about how Han open up about his anxiety to his members and company during pre-debut.

Jisung is planning to tell the members about his mental and health condition tonight since he cannot delay it any longer. The company's higher up already rushing him to tell the members as the members need to know before they appoint their managers and other staff. But, sometimes, plan didn't work as how we want it to be.


          The clock in the living room showing the time at 7:00 pm. Bang Chan (Chan) stand up from his seat to switch on the lamps of the dorm. Changbin went to wake up Jisung who fall asleep on his bed earlier. The other members, Minho, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin are still at the company's training center. They're currently in preparation for the released of their pre-debut album, Mixtape. So, 3racha stay at the dorm to do some editing and tweaking on their songs before the recording for all members start.

          Changbin knock on the door that led to Han, Hyunjin and Seungmin share room. However, before he got the chance to knock the door, he heard a small sniffle coming from inside the room. Since all the other members are practicing at the company, he knows only Jisung is currently in the room. Changbin dump the idea to knock the room, instead, he just opened the door and come into the room. What come into Changbin field of view is something totally unexpected.


          Chan, who went to switch on the dorm's lamps earlier starting to feel weird as Changbin still hasn't emerged from the room as he only need to wake Jisung up. He made his way to the room to see Changbin stand still before the opened door of the room. He softly tapped Changbin's shoulder, causing the 19-year-old to jump a bit due to the shock. "What's wrong?" he silently asked Changbin. Without saying anything, Changbin direct his gaze towards Jisung. Chan started to follow Changbin's gaze, only to see Jisung start shaking and hyperventilating on the bed. Chan muttered "shit" before quicken his way to Jisung.

          Jisung, unaware of his surrounding, shriek a little when he felt his shoulder being held by someone. Chan, the only one who know the cause of Jisung's current situation, said "It's okay, Sungie, it's just me, Chan hyung." Jisung relax a little when he recognized the voice. "Hyung...", Jisung try to start talking, but shock himself because the only thing that came out is sob and cough. He became frustrated as he cannot speak clearly, thus harshly rub his face with both of his hands. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Shh... it's okay. Everything is okay...". Chan tried his hardest to calm Jisung. Even he himself is pretty frustrated and almost lost control. After what seems to be forever, Jisung start to calm himself enough for him to not panic again.


          Changbin who has silently watching the whole situation from the start hesitant to make a sound, but he need to know what happen, so he mumbled "uhh, guys..." softly to alarm both of them. Chan and Jisung simultaneously look at him when Chan muttered "Ah! Sorry, Changbin. I forgot you're there, hehe".

"So, I think I have every right to know what just happen right now, hmm?? Jisungie, you can tell hyung, right?"

"Yes, I'm actually planning to tell you guys tonight. Channie-hyung, can you call the members to come back to the dorm now?"

Chan kiss Jisung's forehead and said, "On it. Wait here okay?" "Hmm..." Jisung answer and smile brightly to reassure him.


          Hesitantly, Changbin make his way towards Jisung, which Jisung said, "Just come here, hyung. Why are you so afraid?". There is no sign of hesitation from the way Jisung speak to him, since Jisung already put his absolute trust towards his members, even if he and Hyunjin always fight. That's why he feel a little bit guilty since he still didn't tell his members, excluding Chan, about his situation.

          Slowly, Changbin sit onto Jisung's bed's corner, and he start to talk, "Will you tell what happened just now? From the look, Channie-hyung know about this, and from my own assumption, correct me if I'm wrong, but this had happened before, correct?" Jisung just nodded to all Changbin's questions since doesn't know how to start.

"What is it?" silent. "Jisungie... You know you can tell me, right? Since you want to tell the members today. Hmm?"

"I will tell you along with all the members later. Please, hyung..."


"Promise." Jisung said with his brightess smile...

Since this is pretty long, I'm making this into 2 parts..

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