Ignore (1)

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**Hai, i want to request a story where all the members misunderstood han about something and they all start to ignore him..but at the end they discover the truth and start to apologize because they not trust han enough and start making up to han. Happy ending tho..**

**the members ignore jisung and blame him for a lot of mistakes that are not even his, and they eventually forget his birthday, but they make it up to him??**

I got two of the same requests, so I just do the same fic for it 😁


Han was woken up with a very loud noise, or more accurately, a loud shout from someone.

He sat up almost immediately since it was very loud and he was startled awake by it.

Suddenly, he felt something must have gone wrong since the one who is shouting is Hyunjin.

'What happened?', he thought.

He stood up and went outside while pouting and rubbing his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand.

There, he saw all the members are currently in their dorm.

"What happe- woah!! Huh??", He was shook to see Hyunjin who was crying while hugging Changbin.

"Han, did you take Hyunjin's painting brush set?", he heard Chan asking.

"What? What set?", he asked.

"The painting brush set!! Jisung, you took it, don't you?!!", Hyunjin asked him while shouted, frustrated since he thought Han is purposely acting oblivious right now.

"What do you mean? Why would I take it???", he asked confusedly.

"Well, apparently Han, according to Hyunjin, you are the only one who knew Hyunjin bought that set.", Lee Know said.

"Yeah. If not you, who would take it anyway?? None of us know Hyunjin bought that set yesterday except you and himself.", I.N claimed.

"Jisung.... Since when I teach you to be a thief? Please give it back to Hyunjin, Hannie." Chan said.

Frustrated, Han shouted, "But I don't have it!! I only saw that set ONCE before I went to sleep!!"

"Stop making up excuses, Han Jisung!!! Return it, now!!", Chan said.

Hearing what Chan just said and seeing how all his beloved members just blindly trust Hyunjin when he claimed Han stole his paint brush set makes Han's heart shattered.

He starts to wonder if they are all worth his sacrifice, worth all of these times that he dedicated for them, writing lyric by lyric for multiple songs for them. He wonders if they are worth his love and adoration.

He starts to wonder just where and when things go wrong.

The members seem to start to blame him for every mistake, big or small, on him, especially if the one who makes the mistakes in Felix, Seungmin or I.N.

Just then, as he feels himself can't stand the words coming out from his members anymore, he runs towards his room and slams the door shut.

He then slid down himself, back facing the door, and brought his knees to his chest. He hugged both of it tightly, burrowing his eyes in between the knees and started crying.

He wants to shout, he wants to explain, he wants to wail, but he won't. Not right now.


Outside, Chan and the other members are baffled with his actions.

HAN JISUNG-CENTRICWhere stories live. Discover now