Ignore (2)

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Han hummed softly while going down the stairs and stopped in front of Felix's room.

"Lixie?", he said while knocking on the door, just loud enough for the person inside to hear.

"Oh? Hannie? Come on, come in. The door isn't locked.", Felix replied from inside cheerfully.

Han then silently opens the door, looking at Felix who's currently sitting in front of his gaming devices.

"C'mere, sit." Felix said while tapping on his bed.

"Hannie, what's wrong?" Felix asked after seeing Han kept silent after a while.



"Can you help me with something? You..... You know it's not me who took Hyune's painting brush set, right?"

"Yeah, Sungie. I know... But I don't know how I am supposed to tell the members that. Especially Hyunjin. I'm sorry..."

"No no, it's not your fault. That's... Umm.... I know who took it. And.... I know that person brought the set with him everyday in case someone took it from him. I saw him sell that set at a pawn shop last week actually...." Han said while his voice was growing quieter and quieter...

"So umm, Lixie. Can you help me put these frames in Lee Know's, Seungmin's and Innie's room? Somewhere that they will immediately see it the moment they open the door.", he then took out 3 pictures frames, all containing the same picture, the picture of that very person who took the brush set and pawning it at the pawn shop.

Felix looked at the picture for a little longer before he was shocked.

"Ma-manager hyung????", he asked.

"Yeah. Help me? Yeah? I will put the rest in Chan's, Changbin's and Hyunjin's room. Thanks." Han then bolted out of the room before Felix could react.

On top of surprising the members like that, Han also used an anonymous number to send that picture to that 'manager hyung' with the caption 'I know who you are and I know who owned that set. Go and send your resignation letter to your boss and go bow down to the person who took the blame for you. And lastly, remember. I will always monitor you.'

The very next day, Han was woken up with kisses and apologized coming from the members, trying to make up for their mistake of blindly accusing Han, and for forgetting his birthday as well.

Felix even managed to slip up about his break down in the studio the night they thought he stole that set. All the more reasons that the members should be groveling, asking for his forgiveness.

"Well.... One or two weeks of ignoring you all should be enough. I got Lixie after all." He said while smiling.

Well.... That does cause the other members except Lixie cried, so Han settled with at least two weeks of ignoring the members(I kid you not, they seriously deserve it imo) Oh, and this time, Felix will do it with him!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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