Prologue - The First Step

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"NONSENSE!" A loud voice erupted, ruining the overwhelming situation, turning it into awkward silence.

The Helmsley household fell into an uncomfortable situation as each and every attendees paid their full attention towards the grumpy old man before them. His face turned red after that top-of-the-lung yell, he looked like he'd burst his pacemaker if he ever wore one.

"I had enough of this crap. Stephanie Marie McMahon-Helmsley. What is wrong with you!?" Vince continued to throw his voice out, his sharp eyes piercing his youngest daughter's eyes which were a literal reflection of his own blue eyes. The eyes that usually was full of joy were shivering in fear of her father's rage.

"What have you done, huh? You've made a decision behind my back? You didn't even consult me first before even making this decision? Am I that worthless to you anymore? Huh? And what were you even thinking huh? Bringing a homeless orphan into our family. Are you out of your mind?" Vince yelled.

Stephanie looked like she would burst into tears any second. She had always been the obedient little girl in her family. Okay well not always. She did go against her father when she first married Hunter, but she's never seen her father this angry before. Not towards her at least.

"She is no homeless orphan and she has a name, for your information" Hunter voiced out, pulling his daughter behind him, shielding her from any possible outburst that the man in his 70s could throw any moment. He was very well familiar with Vincent Kennedy McMahon's tantrums. How could one not after knowing him for almost 25 years?

"Yeah, Vince. She is a part of this family already" Linda agreed.

"Come on, Vince. She's a good girl. And Hunter and Stephanie loves her. So does she. Why can't you just accept her as a part of the family?" Shawn backed up, standing side by side with his best friend, Hunter, completely shielding off the poor girl who was clearly afraid of the angry old man before her.

"Family my ass! She does not deserve to be in this family and as the head of this family, I deserve the rights to decide. And I'm ordering her out of this place" Vince yelled, clearly unsatisfied when his family is not on his side.

"And as a grown man, I say you have no rights to determine who I should adopt or not" Hunter was getting restless with Vince as they both came eye to eye, their foreheads almost touching. Both of them felt each other's breaths against them as they both stared down.

"I adopt whoever I want, I'll bring anyone to live with me, I do whatever the hell I want because you Mister are inside the property of Hunter Hearst Helmsley. And you don't get to decide anything for me. She is my daughter and she lives with me" Hunter continued.

"Dad, dad. No!" Stephanie puts a hand on her father and husbands chests, pushing both man apart as Vince took a step nearer towards Hunter, taunted by Hunter's arrogance.

Vince sighed with a loud huff as he took a step back, didn't want to deal with Hunter when Stephanie has voiced out.

"Vince, please. Give that girl a chance. I swear you'll love her" Taker supported. He knew how hard this would be on Vince, but still, Hunter and Stephanie deserved to be happy. So does their new daughter.

"Yes, daddy. Please. Just give her a chance. I swear you'll love her just like all of us. Please, daddy?" Stephanie pleaded. She didn't want to lose her new daughter nor her dad. Sure, she knew Vince would be mad once he knew this decision has been made, but she wasn't gonna give up. She would do anything for her family. It was a McMahon trait that she'd inherited from her father. Can't blame her though.

"No, Stephanie, I can't-"

"Stop it, Vince" Everyone was taken aback with Linda's sudden outrage. "Shut up and not a word until we get home" Linda said, grabbing Vince by his arm and dragging him out. Everyone in the household watched as Linda and Vince leave the house.

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