Chapter 46 - The Heat

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Ayla motioned for Declan to have a seat on the bed. He was hesitant at first but eventually gave in. Ayla fiddled with her fingers, trying to think of a conversation. 

"I'll be fine on my own, you know. You don't really have to take care of me. I'm okay" Ayla said. 

"And what? Get my ass whooped by my dad? That seems like a nice plan of yours" Declan snapped with a smirk on his face.

"I didn't plan anything. Look, I didn't say that because I wanted to get you into trouble or anything. I'm just saying, I know it was an accident and that you didn't mean to get someone hurt. You were angry and you just wanted to get that feeling out of you. I get it. So you aren't responsible that the accident happened and I don't blame you for what happened. I should've been more careful and alert. So I'm trying to say, it's okay for you to just let me be on my own" Ayla explained. She wanted to punch his lights out but she didn't want to get hurt anymore. Her legs are already a mess and she didn't want to get her arms bloody. 

Declan stared at her, as though trying to see if she was serious. He nodded when he got the message that she was serious, breaking eye contact and looking at his fingers that fiddled with each other.

"You might not, but dad clearly blames me and as long as he does, there's no other choice. Like it or not, you're stuck with me until you heal." Declan sighed. 

Ayla nodded, not denying his words. Shane seemed to have made up his mind, so there is no turning back.

"What?" Declan asked when he felt Ayla staring at him for so long.

"I think this is the first time you didn't curse at me ever since we met" Ayla said with a smile.

That statement caught him off guard as his jaw opened wide. He quickly shook his head and his eyes wondered rapidly, trying to avoid any other conversations. 

"I uhm, I'll be in my room if you need me" Declan said, getting up, clearing his throat. 

"Wait, how do I call you if I need anything?" Ayla asked.

"Just give me a call and I'll come here" Declan said.

"About that..." Ayla trailed.

"What?" Declan asked.

"I kinda don't really have your number, so..." Ayla trailed off again.

"You don't have my number?" Declan asked, surprised to which Ayla shook. "Girl, you've been living here for almost 2 weeks and you don't have my number?" 

"If I need to be completely honest, you were being an arrogant prick to me, so there is no reason for me to even have your number, you know?" Ayla teased with a playful laugh. 

"Ouch, now that was brutally honest. I guess you have a point. Wait" Declan said, grabbing her phone and typing in his number.

"Here. I'll be in my room" Declan said, scurrying out of the room. Ayla smiled and shook her head. Probably that was a start. That wasn't so hard. Now here comes the hard part. Breaking the news to her father. 


Stephanie was playing video games with Kenyon and Rogan while Shane was chilling out in his backyard with Marissa. Anytime they got to be together, they'll grab it. It wasn't always they got time to spend the time only the two of them alone. Their kids would be around them all the time so they never really get much time alone.

Marissa laid her head over Shane's chest, taking a sip of her lavender tea. Shane wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. 

"You seemed to be warming up to Ayla" Marissa started the conversation.

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