Chapter 15: Tubbo in trouble

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It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


It was an hour before closing when Wilbur came in.

"Hi Wil!" Tommy greeted Wilbur happily.

"Hi Toms. How was your time with your family?" Wilbur asked.

"It was nice", Tommy said. "Are you just gonna sit down or do you want me to make something for you?" he asked.

"Whatever you recommend. Don't care about the price, just whatever you think is good", Wilbur said.

"Alright then. Coffee or tea?" Tommy asked.

"Rather coffee", Wilbur said.

"Alright. You go sit down and I'll make you your drink", Tommy said.

"Actually, can we talk while you make it?" Wilbur asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Tommy asked.

"About the day at the fair...", Wilbur started. Tommy gulped. "Are you a vigilante, Tommy?" Wilbur asked lowering his voice, even though no one was there.

"Yeah, I am actually...", Tommy admitted.
I would've been no use to lie to Wilbur. He had seen it.

"Oh, that's alright Toms. You know you can trust me. I won't turn you in this time either", Wilbur said, trying to reassure Tommy.

"Yeah, I know Wil", Tommy said.

He finished up Wilbur's drink and gave it to him.

"There you go. I call it the WasTaken-special", Tommy said.

"WasTaken? Why WasTaken?" Wilbur asked.

"That's my last name", Tommy said.

"Oh, yeah, makes sense", Wilbur said. "So you made up a completely new drink?" he then asked.

"Not exactly, but yeah", Tommy answered.

Suddenly, the news popped up the TV that was in there.

"The villains Oleander and Pyromanic are fighting against well known vigilante Nuke. The villains seem to be taking quite a big toll on the young vigilante! Where are the heroes?!" the news reporter panicked.

"Toby...", Tommy said barely audible.

"Come on, let's go Toms! Your partner needs help", Wilbur said.

"Wait, you coming with?" Tommy asked as he quickly took his uniform off.

"I never said I had no powers", Wilbur said as he ran to the door, Tommy behind him. "Do you perhaps have some goggles I could borrow? Like backup ones?" Wilbur asked.

"Sure, here", Tommy said as he grabbed a pair of conveniently blue goggles.

"How conveniently blue", Wilbur remarked as he put them on.

Tommy also put his gear on and locked the door.

"Grab my hand and hold on!" Tommy said.

Wilbur grabbed Tommy's hand and Tommy ran at high speed to go help his teammate.

"Do you know where to go?" Wilbur shouted so that Tommy would hear.

"I have a rough idea", Tommy shouted back.

"Alright then", Wilbur answered.

They arrived there pretty quickly thanks to Tommy's speed.

"Okay, what do we do? We can't just rush in!" Wilbur asked.

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